Page 41 - NO.165銀行家雜誌
P. 41

Kamolvisit),他一直在揭發政府高層的貪汙勾                            中國意識到這項指控的潛在威力。駐泰
              結,其中大部分跟中國有關。丘威有一半的中                             大使發文抨擊「第三方勢力」試圖利用這個
              國血統,出生香港,曾是泰國浴產業大亨,也                             問題「抹黑中國,破壞中泰友好合作」(但
              曾吃過牢飯,還曾兩次參選曼谷市長、獲得第                             近期一則報導卻顯示,中國在歐洲設立的
              三高的得票數。他後來決定在體制外做事,而                             「海外警察局」也與犯罪組織有關)。

              且成績斐然,不過仍然公開支持前進黨。今年2                                 某種程度上來說,中國很可能是真的希
              月,前進黨國會議員Rangsiman Rome批評總理帕                     望剷除貪腐。除了前述造成犯罪增加的因素
              拉育(Prayut  Chan-O-Cha)不願及時打擊洗錢事                  外,中國在泰國的組織性犯罪增加還有另外
              件,丘威也表態支持。                                       兩個原因,那就是中國犯罪人士在反貪腐運
              尷尬的難題                                            社會監控力道增強。去年「海外警察局」引
                  Rome靠著丘威的爆料,在國會指控中國                          部門,是為了防止東南亞詐騙集團傷害中國
              勢力直接影響了泰國政治,中國黑道以泰國陝                             人;這部分說的沒錯,中國是詐騙集團的主要

              西同鄉會為幌子,助長泰國官員的貪腐行為。                             肥羊。另外,中國也越來越擔心洗錢導致的

              prohibiting criticism of the king – unusual in democratic   political consciousness. In this election, MFP was
              systems – in order to crack down on the protests.  helped by revelations of corruption linked to China.
                  Thailand’s monarchy goes back to the 19th    Last November, the government was forced to back
              century, at which time it created a government along   down on a proposal to ease restrictions on property
              the lines of a Western sovereign state in order to create   purchases by foreigners following money laundering

              the appearance of sovereignty and successfully avoid   raids on individuals from China with stolen Thai
              colonization. The monarchy has long been closely tied   identity documents.
              to the military, and coups are a persistent feature of its   The accusations came from Chuwit Kamolvisit, a
              political system. Thus, the student protest movement is   whistleblower who has been on a campaign to expose
              somewhat outside the mainstream of Thai politics.  high-level corruption, much of it involving China. Chuwit,
                  So-called “gray money” and “black money” has been   himself half-Chinese and born in Hong Kong, is also
              a consistent focus of this movement. The former FFP party   a former massage-parlor kingpin and convicted felon,
              had accused the junta of softness against the perpetrators   who had previously come in third place twice in races
              of the 1MDB money laundering case involving the theft of   to become Bangkok’s governor. He later decided that

              US$ 4.5 billion from neighboring Malaysia.       working outside the system would lead to better results,
                  The Thai public has been slow to catch on to   but has nevertheless publicly aligned himself with MFP.
              the extent of the issue, but it is gradually entering the   In February, he supported MFP MP Rangsiman Rome

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2023.9月號 41

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