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                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    期以來這個地區最令人詬病的地方就是                          活動。洗錢問題確實引起了全球金融監理機
              長 各種違法亂紀。自 1950 年代以來,泰                           構的一些關注,但並沒有成為政治討論的焦

              國、緬甸和寮國這個「金三角」地區,就因                              點。然而,後來這樣的局面改變了,主要因
              為生產鴉片而聞名。然而在世紀之交,毒品                              素有二。
              交易受到一定控制之後,東南亞轉而成為洗                                   首先,COVID-19疫情減少了中國的顧客
              錢聖地。金三角周圍開始建起大型賭場,主                              數量。即使在今年初解封之後,來自中國的
              要客源來自中國,因為賭博在中國是違法的。                             遊客人數依然低迷,無論是地下還是地上經
                  除了與中藥有關的野生動物運販,毒                             濟都受到了影響。與此同時,緬甸在2021年
              品等商業模式也助長了這類大規模的洗錢                               政變之後,國內內戰持續不斷,成為大規模

              Money laundering and Chinese influence become

              campaign issues in Thailand

              Adversity is the mother of innovation. This wisdom is as true for Southeast Asian
              organized crime as for anything else.

                  he region is long been notorious for its     golden triangle, geared towards a clientele from
              Tlawlessness.  The “golden triangle” area        China, where gambling is illegal.
              between Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos has been         This large-scale money laundering, fueled by
              known since the 1950s for its opium production.   business models like drugs in addition to wildlife
              After the drug trade was brought under relative   trafficking related to traditional Chinese medicine, did

              control around the turn of the century, however,   attract some attention from global financial regulators,
              Southeast Asia became better known for money     but it did not gain broader political significance. Two
              laundering. Large casinos were set up around the   major factors however disrupted the equilibrium.

         38   台灣銀行家2023.9月號

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