Page 39 - NO.165銀行家雜誌
P. 39

犯罪活動的溫床。組織性犯罪不斷擴大,不                              口販賣、有通訊詐騙、線上賭博……」。
              僅影響了地方政治,也波及了國際政治。                                    政府在疫情期間實施了外出限制,也關
              經濟「特」區                                           開放之後,毒品運輸業務恢復正常,還新增

                  柬埔寨人口販運問題猖獗,去年在台灣鬧                           (U N O D C)最近警告,甲基安非他命(又
              得沸沸揚揚,震驚社會。這類案件主要是透過                             稱冰毒)的供應突然激增,甚至幫助犯罪組
              投資詐騙得逞,雖然當下問題因外交壓力暫時                             織開拓了遠至澳洲、印度和日本等地的新市
              緩解,但背後更大的結構問題卻尚待解決。                              場。因此,犯罪活動的經濟足跡比以往任何
                  由於疫情關係,面對面的實體生意減少,                           時候都來得更廣泛。
              賭場老闆和地方軍閥被迫另開新財源,他們盯                                  這樣的發展不僅引起了國際組織的關注,
              上了線上賭博,這不僅更不受地域限制,能夠                             也推動了當地政治的演變。東南亞國協第二大
              輕易躲過警方掃蕩,同時還能吸收更多元的顧                             經濟體── 泰國,就是一個很好的例子。

                  據《美國之音》引述,泰國皇家警察外                            困境的成因
              事局局長K h e m m ar i n  Ha s s i ri稱,邊境地區
              和經濟特區「過去是非常出名的毒品走私地                                   泰國5月的大選結果,可以視為是對民主
              區,但是現在他們什麼都有,有毒品、有人                              本身的全民公投,以曼谷市區為根據地的自

                  The first was the pandemic, which eliminated   engineering scams, which exploded into public view
              Chinese foot traffic. Tourism from China has remained   last year. That specific issue has subsided somewhat

              subdued even following the opening early this year,   following diplomatic pressure, but it only represents
              which has affected both the underground and the   one aspect of a larger problem.
              above-ground economy. At the same time, meanwhile,    With the decline of in-person business over
              the ongoing civil war in Myanmar following the coup   the pandemic, casino bosses and local warlords
              in 2021 has allowed industrial-scale crime to flourish.   were forced to diversify their income sources. They
              The resulting growth in organized crime has grown in   expanded into online gaming, giving them more
              scope to affect both local and international politics.  geographic mobility in response to crackdowns, and
                                                               also providing access to a more diverse customer

                Special  economic zones
             “         ”                                       base. That was also what let them to experiment with
                                                               their human trafficking.
                  This trend is best known in Taiwan for a trend    The borderlands and special economic zones
              of human trafficking in Cambodia to work on social   “are very famous areas for drug trafficking in the past,”

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2023.9月號 39

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