Page 43 - NO.165銀行家雜誌
P. 43

反中未必要直接挺美                                        看,泰國和其他鄰近國家也需要正視目前不斷演
                  由於前進黨未能順利組成政府,其中一                            步,很可能會繼續擴大詐騙的規模,或許未來
              些辯論目前暫時不用處理。民粹主義的為泰黨                             會減少人口販賣的需求。而且目前還得先決定
              (Pheu  Thai  party)在選舉中名列第二,目前正                  是否讓中國來泰國建置科技基礎建設。

              與其他7個政黨組成聯合政府。此前,前進黨黨                                 泰國年輕人發起的抗議運動顯示,東南亞
              魁皮塔(Pita Limjaroenrat)因媒體持股案遭到調                  國家在提防中國影響力的同時,未必要被大國
              查。然而,即使先不談目前的權力結構問題,                             政治或美國結盟的觀點綁住。但東南亞之所以
              泰國的政治環境也會隨著時間漸趨複雜。                               有這種特殊條件,卻是因為洗錢在許多層面都
                  現在泰國與國際流氓國家緬甸軍政府的                            影響了這些國家的政治。(本文作者為台灣金
              外交關係,已成為迫在眉睫的問題。從長遠來                             融研訓院特聘外籍研究員;譯者為廖珮杏)

              checks on illegally entering Chinese people,” said   place, is forming a coalition with seven other parties,
              Parames Wittayaraksan, a successful MFP MP       which follows an investigation of the MFP leader

              candidate for Bangkok District 1. “We must not allow   Pita Limjaroenrat over his ownership of a media
              Chinese people to do illegal business or to use the   organization. Regardless of the current power
              wrong channels, while paying no taxes, which impacts   structure, however, Thailand will likely face an
              small business, such as vendors at Sampeng Market,”   increasingly complex political environment over time.
              a Chinatown wholesale market. Parames, a Thai lawyer   One immediate issue will be diplomatic relations
              of Chinese descent who studied in Fudan University   with the Myanmar junta, an international rogue state.
              in Shanghai, and member of the MFP international   Over the longer term, Thailand, along with other

              relations working group, also acknowledged the need   nearby countries, will also need to face up to the
              for economic cooperation with China.             evolving scourge of transnational crime. Technological
                  Chinese capital makes up an important part of   advancements such as AI may continue expanding
              the legitimate economy in Thailand, in sectors such as   the reach of scams, perhaps eliminating the need for
              automotive and electronics. Thus, Thailand is not in a   human trafficking. Decisions will need to be made
              position to think about wholesale ‘decoupling.   about Chinese technological infrastructure.
                                                                   Thailand’s youth-led movement has shown that

              Anti-China is not pro-US                         thinking in Southeast Asia about Chinese influence can
                                                               be decoupled from great-power politics, or the specific

                  With the failure of MFP to form a government,   benefits of a US alliance. This disassociation is possible
              some of these debates can be postponed. The      precisely because the governance implications of
              populist Pheu Thai party, which came in second   money laundering are so multifaceted.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2023.9月號 43

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