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              由派政黨「前進黨」(Move  Forward  Party,                  變在泰國政治體系中很常發生。因此某種程
              MFP)的得票數最高,但由於該黨在其他政黨                            度上來說,學生的抗議運動無法真正撼動泰
              間缺乏盟友,最終未能順利組建政府。                                國主流政治。
                  前 進 黨 的 前 身 是 未 來 前 進 黨 ( F u t u r e             所謂的「灰金」和「黑金」一直是這場
              Forward  Party,  FFP),該黨於2020年因違反                運動的焦點。前未來前進黨指責軍政府在一

              政治獻金相關法律,遭泰國憲法法院裁定解                              馬公司(1MDB)洗錢案中,沒有認真制裁肇
              散,此事件也引爆了2020至21年的示威抗                            事者,該公司約有45億美元遭侵吞。
              議,群眾後來甚至要求改革泰國皇室。為了                                   雖然泰國公眾很慢才意識到這個問題的嚴
              鎮壓抗議運動,政府大量使用了禁止批評國                              重性,不過它逐漸成為政治討論的焦點。在這
              王的「冒犯君主罪」(lese  majeste),這在                      次選舉中,某些涉及中國的貪污醜聞,使前進
              民主制度中並不常見。                                       黨得以崛起。泰國政府原本要放鬆限制讓外國
                  泰國的君主制可以追溯到十九世紀,                             人自由購屋,但提案在2022年11月被迫撤回。
              當時它依據西方主權國家的路線創建一個政                              在這之前,警方突襲破獲了多樁中國人盜用泰
              府,成功避免了被殖民的命運。君主制的政                              國人身分證的洗錢犯罪。

              府長期以來掌握大權並與軍方緊密相連,政                                   許多情報都來自爆料大王丘威(Chuwit

              said Khemmarin Hassiri, who commands the Royal   helping drive local politics. Thailand, the second-
              Thai Police Foreign Affairs Division, quoted in the   largest economy in ASEAN, is a good example.
              Voice of America. “But at the present time they have
              everything – they have drugs, they have trafficking in   Takes one to know one
              persons, they have...communication fraud, they have

              online gambling.”                                     Thailand’s May general election could be seen
                  During the period of shutdowns, meanwhile,   as a referendum on democracy itself. The Move
              borders closed, making it more difficult to transport   Forward Party (MFP), a liberal party with an urban
              drugs. Since the reopening, that business has returned   base in Bangkok, won the most votes, although it was
              to normal, on top of the newer profit sources. The United   eventually unable to form a government due to a lack
              Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) recently   of allies among other parties.
              warned of a sudden jump in methamphetamine supply,    MFP  grew  out  of  youth  protests in  2020-
              which is helping supply markets as distant as Australia,   21, originally triggered by the dissolution of its
              India, and Japan. Thus, the economic footprint of criminal   predecessor, the Future Forward Party (FFP), over

              activity is larger than ever.                    alleged funding irregularities. Later, the demands
                  This development is not only attracting the   expanded to include the monarchy itself.  The
              attention of international organizations, but also   government made heavy use of the lese majeste law

         40   台灣銀行家2023.9月號

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