Page 42 - NO.165銀行家雜誌
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              資本外流。                                            要共同對非法入境的中國人實施更嚴格的檢
                  但另一方面,美國等其他國家都指責中                            查。」Parames是一名華裔泰國律師,曾在上
              國袒護在緬甸、寮國,甚至富裕的馬來西亞                              海復旦大學就讀,現在是前進黨國際關係工
              (包括一馬公司洗錢醜聞)活動的國際通緝                              作組的成員。雖然他認為泰國應該與中國進
              犯。即使中國真心希望打擊邊境以南的違法亂                             行經濟合作,但「我們不能允許中國人在不

              紀,深層的制度性問題也會妨礙它施展手腳。                             納稅的情況下非法經營或使用不法管道,這
                  對於深受中國文化影響的泰國來說,中                            對像三聘市場這類地方的攤商造成影響。」
              國政府與這些犯罪活動的關係,會引發極大                              三聘市場是唐人街的批發市場。
              爭議。                                                   在汽車和電子等產業內,中國資本是泰
                  成功當選曼谷第一區議員的前進黨候                             國合法經濟的重要力量。因此,泰國恐怕沒
              選人Parames  Wittayaraksan表示,「我們需                  有籌碼跟中國全面「脫鉤」。

              when the latter criticized Prime Minister Prayut Chan-  crime in Thailand is that Chinese criminals have fled
              O-Cha for slow follow-up on the earlier scandal.  to Thailand following the anti-corruption campaign,

                                                               as well as the increased social surveillance following
              The awkward question                             pandemic controls. One of the original defenses
                                                               China used to justify its “overseas police stations”
                  In the speech, using information from Chuwit,   after they attracted international media attention last
              Rome made an accusation with direct relevance to   year was that Chinese people are being victimized
              Thai-Chinese relations: he asserted that the Sha’anxi   by scams based in Southeast Asia; indeed, it is their
              Association of Thailand, was a front for mafia activity   main market. Moreover, China is also becoming more

              to facilitate Thai official corruption.          worried about capital outflows via money laundering.
                  China is aware of the incendiary nature of such   At the same time, the US and other countries
              accusations, and the embassy to Thailand has warned   accuse China of protecting wanted international
              “third-party forces” against using the issue to “discredit   criminals operating in Myanmar, Laos, and even wealthier
              China and undermine the friendly cooperation between   Malaysia (with the 1MDB scandal). If China is sincere
              China and Thailand.” (More recent reporting has also   about the desire to crack down on lawlessness south
              alleged that so called “overseas police stations” in   of its border, deeper institutional issues are apparently
              Europe also have ties to organized crime.)       preventing it from mounting an effective response.
                  To some extent, China is probably being sincere   The issue of Chinese state ties to criminality is

              in its desire to root out corruption. In addition to the   a deeply divisive one for Thailand, which has strong
              factors for the uptick in crime noted above, another   Chinese cultural roots.
              of the reasons for the uptick in Chinese organized    “We need to jointly implement more intense

         42   台灣銀行家2023.9月號

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