Page 117 - 信用狀交易糾紛解析暨最新案例研討
P. 117


                             bank can  identify would relate  to  the  form or content of the re-presented
                             documents, provided that  the “new” documents were presented  within the
                             presentation period and expiration date of the letter of credit.”

                             2.  拒絕通知之內容:銀行所發出之拒絕兌付或讓購之通知,依據
                                UCP600 第 16 條 c 項之規定,須敘明下述內容:

                                (1)  銀行拒絕兌付或讓購,此為 UCP600 新增之規定,在銀行以
                                   SWIFT MT734 (電文標題為 Notice of  Refuse,因此,勉強符合

                                   此項 UCP 之規定)  以外之方式 (例如:MT999 Free  format 或電
                                   傳 TLX) 發出拒絕兌付或讓購之通知時,應注意通知之電文上應

                                (2)  銀行拒絕兌付或讓購有關之各項瑕疵,亦即拒絕兌付或讓購之

                                   理由;所謂「各項瑕疵 (each  discrepancy)」之解釋,依據國際
                                   商會 Commentary on UCP600 (p.73) 之說明,其須列出全部且可

                                   認定之瑕疵,而諸如“invoice not  as per  L/C”、“conflicting data
                                   between documents”等空洞、含混之措辭,將不視為可拒絕兌付


                                (3) 聲明單據係以下列方式之一處理:
                                   a.  銀行留置單據待提示人進一步之指示;UCP600 之此項規定相

                                      當於 UCP500 第 14 條 d 項 ii 款,但使用「待提示人進一步之

                                      指示 (…pending further instructions from the presenter.)」取代

                             17  ICC Banking Commission  Collected Opinions 1995-2001, ICC Banking  Commission
                               Opinion No. R328, ICC publication no.632, p.172-173
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