Page 283 - 新版國貿條規-解析與運用
P. 283


                                        賣方之義務                            買方之義務

                             1.  簽訂運送契約支付運費 、交付                 1.  依約接受貨物並支付貨款價

                                貨物裝上船舶。                            金。

                             2. 辦理輸出通關手續。                       2. 辦理輸入通關手續。
                             3.  提供交貨之證明及交貨 通知。


                             約公 約  (United  Nations Convention on Contracts for the

                             International  Sales of Goods  (1980) (CISG)  第 30 條之規

                             單據。CISG 第 53 條也規定,買方必須依據契約及本公約支
                             付貨物價 款及和提 領貨物                  20  。世界主要貿易國家都加入

                             CISG,若交易當事人雙方合意於買賣契約中載有受 CISG 約

                             20  United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980)
                                (CISG) Article 30, Obligations of the Seller,
                                The seller must deliver the goods, hand  over any  documents relating to them  and
                                transfer the property in the goods, as required by the contract and this Convention.
                                Article 53, Obligations of the Buyer
                                The buyer must pay the price for the goods and take delivery of them as required by
                                the contract and this Convention.

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