Page 93 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-貳篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 93

第三章  信用狀、L/C 通知、L/C 修改押匯文件製作等相關疑難問題  81

                             cover by the Central Bank when the draft amount will be remitted to you.
                                  Exchange control regulations require us to obtain a customs  bill of

                             entry before we can apply to the Central Bank for the relative foreign
                             exchange and we engage to use our best efforts to ensure that the importer

                             assists us to comply with this procedure as rapidly as possible.
                                  Eventual payment will be effected  to you  through British and French

                             Bank Limited London.


                                  This credit is issued subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for

                             Documentary Credit, 2007 Revision, International Chamber of  Commerce
                             Publication No.600.


                                  1. PAYMENT HEREUNDER IS TO  BE MADE WITHIN 60  DAYS

                                    AFTER  ARRIVAL OF THE  GOODS  UNLESS THE BUYER

                                    SUBMITS EVIDENCE TO US THAT THE MERCHANDISE  HAS
                                    BEEN DETAINED BY THE  U.S. FOOD AND  DRUG

                                    ADMINISTRATION,  OR HAS FAILED TO MEET SANITARY
                                    REQUIREMENTS,  OR IS NOT AS PER SAMPLE, AS

                                    DETERMINED BY FITELSON LABORATORY.
                                    貨到後 60 日內付款,除非買方提交賣方證明貨品已遭美國食品藥

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