Page 250 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 250

234  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (首篇)

                       前全球已有 180 多個國家,銀行等金融機構更是多如牛毛,不同國家,不同

                            1. Credit available with the advising bank by negotiation against presentation

                              of the documents detailed here in after.
                            2. Drafts drawn under this credit No.××× drawn on advising bank.

                            3. Drafts drawn under this credit are negotiable through the advising bank.
                            4. Negotiation under this credit is restricted to the advising bank.

                            5. We hereby issued this irrevocable documentary letter of credit and
                              authorized you to pay to the beneficiary.

                            6. For your payments under this credit please reimburse yourselves on your
                              New York head office (或 branch) .

                            7. Reimbursement for negotiations under this credit is subject to special
                              arrangements between the issuing bank and advising bank.

                            8. Documents under this credit should be submitted after negotiation to the

                              advising bank, who hold special instructions regarding  disposal of
                              documents and reimbursement.

                            9. Payment with the advising bank,  who  will dispatch  (forward, send) the
                              documents to us in one lot by airmail.

                            10.We (the advising bank) confirm the letter of credit and the by undertake
                              that all drafts drawn and presented as specified in the credit will be duly

                            11.This Letter of Credit  is  Transmitted through the advising  bank who are

                              authorized to negotiate beneficiary’s drafts.
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