Page 254 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 254

238  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (首篇)

                           問題 3:如信用狀經由非指名之銀行辦理轉讓,且該銀行係第一受益人

                           Answer:Only the bank that is  specifically authorized, as defined in  sub-

                       Article 48 (a), may effect a transfer under the credit. Any transfer effected by a bank
                       that was not so authorized, would not be considered effective for the purposes of

                       UCP500 and in particular, Article 48.

                           依據 UCP500 第 48 條 (現為 UCP600 第 38 條) 未經授權之銀行辦理轉讓
                       不具效力,僅有依該條 a 項所定義之授權銀行,始能辦理信用狀之轉讓。

                           Issue 4:Where a credit is  issued as  being available with any bank (freely

                       negotiable) can it be assumed that  the bank through whom the credit has been
                       advised is the designated transferring bank?

                           問題 4:可為任何銀行自由讓購之信用狀,則其通知銀行是否為指定之

                           Answer:In a freely negotiable credit, the issuing bank must specify the bank

                       that is authorized to transfer the credit. The fact that a credit  has been advised
                       through a particular bank does not imply that it is the authorized transferring bank.



                       二、針對此問題,國際商會銀行技術委員會 2004 年 10 月 30 日對 UCP500 第
                           48 條 (現為 UCP600 第 38 條) 對轉讓信用狀實務問題亦作下列解釋。
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