Page 90 - the taiwan banker 2024.08(176)
P. 90




                                                                                          撰文:Fergus  Clark

              ᎇ     ഹ߅Ҧܵᚃ೯࢝dᅰЗᔷۨɰࠅӋ                            ̔ഄଫ൳Ը൳ၾვБᅰЗᔷۨᙄ೻޴ഐ

              ଫʕfၾਖ਼ࣩאุਕᔷۨʔΝdᅰЗᔷۨ                               ԬࡡΪ€ܼ̍ତБਿᓾண݄ҷிϓ͉৷׻
              ̙ঐܼ̍ɓ࢕ვБٙᅰЗʷᙄ೻dԨც                                ˸ʿଡ଼ᔌ˖ʷၾ܄˒ცӋʔʸৣdอጳ

              ࠅڗಂၳೊᄿعίՉุਕʕలɝ΢၇Ҧ                                ձږፄ߅ҦვБ̙݄̋ٙϓ͉Ꮐɢึॆ
              ஔd˸પਗމ܄˒eࡰʈձٰ؇௴ிࣖଟ                               ͍ላᏘՑෂ୕ვБवИᚥ܄ٙঐɢfอ
              ձᄆ࠽fᅰЗʷ݊л͜ᅰЗ߅Ҧ౤Զอٙ                               ጳვБุอආϓࡰdԷνږፄ߅Ҧვ

              ϗɝԸ๕ձਠุᅼόd͍࿁ვБ̙˸іˏ                               Бdڭܵᜳݺ׌˲౷ཁһঐ੄ቇᏐՉᚥ
              ձवИᚥ܄ٙ˙όପ͛ɓ၇ܵᚃၾᜊࠧ׌                               ܄ცӋdϾෂ୕ვБࠅ༧ɪ੬ࠦᑗ༰ɽ
              ٙᅂᚤfვБุ٫൳Ը൳л͜ၾՉڦ̔͜                               ѢᗭfவˈՉ࿁ϋჀձɷᐤ˰˾ٙᚥ܄

              ౤Զପۜٙ዆ΥdԸપਗᚥ܄᜗᜕౤ʺf                               ᗫڷࠠɽd˼ࡁЪމɓࡈ໊᜗࿁ვБٙᅰ
                  ί೯࢝༰ϓᆞ̹ٙఙ༁d׼ᆽٙڦ͜                             Зପۜतйઽชf

                    s technology continues to evolve,          for customers, employees and shareholders.
              Adigital  transformation also requires           Digitalization, which is the use of digital
              continual evolution and embedding of a bank’s    technologies to provide new revenue streams
              digital implementation strategy. Unlike          and business models, is having both a
              a project or business transformation, a          continual and transformative impact on the
              digital transformation may include a bank’s      way  banks  can attract and retain customers.
              digitalization agenda  and  requires  a  long-   Increasingly, banks are using integration with

              term focus on embedding technologies across      their card provider offerings to drive enhanced
              its business to drive efficiencies and value     customer experiences.

           90   台灣銀行家    2024.8

   1          5%     JOEE
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95