Page 91 - the taiwan banker 2024.08(176)
P. 91


                  ږፄ߅ҦვБٙڦุ̔͜ਕ˚ू੽ෂ                             ϓᐏлঐɢڗಂɨ๞f

              ୕ვБ˓ʕྮ՟ᚥ܄̹̕ଟdீཀҷഛᚥ                                    ΪϤdܔͭձڭवɓࡈڦ̔͜੶ʷ
              ܄༟ࣘ༶͜dуԸІڦ̔͜ପۜ€Էνऊ                               ഄଫdՈϞ׼ᆽᅰЗʷͦᅺdஷ੬݊ɓ
              ൬ݺਗٙᅰኽd˸کฆሜՉପۜၾʹɸ                               ࢕ვБᅰЗᔷۨʔ̙אॹٙ௅ʱf؇՘

              ቖਯՉ˼ପۜdԷνዄڭ൲ಛeπಛପۜ                               €ASEANήਜٙɓԬ׼ᜑᒈැܼ̍j
                  ޼Ӻɰʊ຾૶ูήᜑͪdԟԬ࿔чч                             數位身分識別

              ɓߧٙვБd̙ঐึᘱᚃݴ̰ᚥ܄dϾி                                    Դ͜16Зᅰ೯̔Бᗆйᇁ€PANٙ

                   In more developed markets, well-defined     keeping up. This is particularly relevant to
              card strategies increasingly tie in with banks’   younger  and  millennial customers that, as a
              digital transformation agendas, resulting in     group, are particularly sensitive to a bank’s
              improved customer experiences. At the same       digital offerings.

              time, for a number of reasons (including existing     Card businesses of fintech banks have
              infrastructure that is costly to transform and   been increasingly taking customer market-share
              organizational culture that is mismatched to     from traditional banks by improving their use
              customer needs), the cost pressures that can be   of customer data, i.e. data derived from card
              brought to bear from newer and fintech banks     offerings (such as spending activities), in order
              can have a real impact on traditional banks’     to fine-tune  their products and to cross-sell
              ability to retain  customers.  Newer  banking    other products such as secured lending, deposit
              sector-entrants, such as fintech banks, remain   products and insurance.
              nimble and are generally better able to adapt         Research has also clearly shown that those

              to the needs of their customers, whereas         banks that are slow to embrace  digitalization
              traditional banks often have greater difficulty   and adapt their businesses to align with

                                                                                             2024.8     台灣銀行家     91

   1          5%     JOEE
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96