Page 95 - the taiwan banker 2024.08(176)
P. 95


              ˒ڭܵһԳٙɓߧ׌dԨ౤৷܄˒ڭ                                 南 Southeast Asia Commercial Joint Stock

              वଟe׀༐ܓձʹɸቖਯዚึf(本文                                Bank(SeABank)的獨立非執行董事,領
              作者為一位國際銀行家,在澳洲、亞洲                                導亞洲一家商業銀行進行風險轉型,包括
              和 歐 洲 擁有20多年的專業經驗。他是越                            檢討信用卡業務策略;譯者為楊芙宜)

              analysis  and  fraud  detection,  among  other   customers can use rideshare and food delivery
              uses. Caution is still needed, and the way AI    services without having to engage with their
              is used may entail ethical implications, but we   financial institution. We will increasingly see
              may eventually see full automation of some       banking and financial services embedded into
              advisory services.                               customer experiences. Embedded finance will
                                                               also continue on a rapid growth  trajectory,

              Embedded Finance                                 both regionally and globally.
                                                                    The above trends should be noted
                  Embedded finance has been defined            with some caution as technologies, ethical
              as the integration of banking and financial      considerations, the regulatory environment,
              services into non-financial services such as     and customer needs continue to evolve.
              online shopping platforms – for example,         On that note, banks that build an effective
              Shopee, a common shopping platform in            card business strategy into their digital
              Taiwan and  a  number  of other  countries       transformation agenda are more likely than not
              regionally. Another example of embedded          to experience better alignment with customers

              finance is Uber (and Grab, a similar service     over time, and increased customer retention,
              operating in Southeast  Asia), whereby           loyalty and cross-selling opportunities.

                                                                                             2024.8     台灣銀行家     95

   1          5%     JOEE
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