Page 92 - the taiwan banker 2024.08(176)
P. 92


              ˚ɿʊ຾ܸ̙֡ᅰəf՟Ͼ˾ʘdਠ࢕ਗ਼                               ˲ᐿိf͊Ըdᚥ܄ˏኬձਠ࢕؂ਕਗ਼ึ
              Դ͜ࡈɛ͛يᗆйԸᆽ֛Ы݊ምfᚥ܄ٙ଻                              ೯̶͛ۨᜊʷf΂ОኹϞვБ੮˒ٙࡈ
              ຒeᑕ௅eܸ७eБމձ୦࿕ਗ਼Ъމ˼ࡁ                               ɛேঐ੄ක֐ટա˹ಛdΪމᅰЗԒʱ

              ٙᗇ΁ձᅰЗԒʱf͛يᗆйҦஔʊ຾஗͜                              ᗆйձ͛يᗆйҦஔٙԴ͜ਗ਼ऊৰ࿁ྼ
              ίΣር࢕˹ಛdԷν஺࠮ஹᕁֳٵᅃਿԴ͜                              ᜗ਿᓾண݄ձဘڗˏኬݴ೻ٙცӋdԴ
              ˜ฆ३˕˹™dᜫʕ਷ձᒵ਷ٙᚥ܄˸ᑕ௅                              ฆۨਠ࢕ձࡈɛঐ੄ɽ஝ᅼቖਯf˜Ⴉ
              ͛يतᅄᗆйආБ˕˹fίɓԬ਷࢕d݁                               ᗆЫٙ܄˒™€ KYC ݴ೻ਗ਼Іਗ೯

              ִ೯БٙԒʱᗇ΁ɰਗ਼ஹഐЇࡈɛٙ͛ي                               ͛dረʚࡈɛϓމር࢕ٙᛆлdν؈˼
              ᗆй༟ৃd௴ிೌᐻٙ᜗᜕f߰ʍ຾᏶᜗ʊ                              ࡁҎૐٙ༑fίཀ̘఻ϋdҢࡁɰ޶Ց

              ຾ίΣʮකږᝌਿᓾܔண€PKIᒕආd˸                             ̹ఙeʕʃฆۨΆุձฆۨਠ࢕̙˸Ⴠ
              کঐ੄Դ͜ᅰЗཥɿԒ΅ᗇ€eIDfอ̋                             ᕦટաᅰЗ˕˹fʕ਷໊ٟٙਠਕ݊ீ
              սٙᅰЗࡈɛԒʱႩᗇӻ୕SingPassఱ݊ɓ                          ཀฆڦԴ͜ᅰЗ፺̍ආБ˕˹ٙɓࡈᜑ
              ԷfՉ˼ɓԬ਷࢕͍ίක೯ PKI ਿᓾண݄                            ഹԷɿfఱ൯࢕ϾԊdइ਷݊˰ޢ໊ٟਠ

              ˸کঐ˕ܵeID  ٙԴ͜dܼ̍Ι̵eอ̋                            ਕ൯࢕ᅰඎ௰εٙ਷࢕ʘɓf

                                                                    ᅰЗʧࠦਗ਼ϓމऊ൬٫˕˹ٙ ߠ
                  ͦۃdਠ࢕ٙᚥ܄ˏኬݴ೻̙ঐʯڗ                             ౻dᔷᜊਠ࢕؂ਕdᅂᚤՑᚥ܄ձԶᏐ

              customer data are likely to continue to lose     determine who you are. A customer’s eyes,
              customers and have longer-term declines in       face, fingerprints, behaviours, and habits will
              profitability.                                   serve as their credentials and digital identity.
                  Building and retaining an enhanced card      Biometrics is already being used to pay

              strategy with clear digitalization objectives is,   vendors  –  for  example,  the  fast-food  chain
              therefore, often an essential part of a bank’s   KFC uses “smile to pay” where facial
              digital transformation. Some clear trends in     biometrics can be used to take payment
              the ASEAN region include:                        from customers in China and South
                                                               Korea. In some countries, government
              Digital Identification                           i ssue d-IDs wi l l a l so be l i nke d t o a n
                                                               individual’s biometrics, creating a seamless
                  The days of the 16-digit Payment Account     experience.  A number of economies are
              Number (“PAN”) are numbered. Instead,            already moving towards the development of

              merchants will use  personal biometrics to       public key infrastructure (“PKI”) to enable

           92   台灣銀行家    2024.8

   1          5%     JOEE
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97