Page 93 - the taiwan banker 2024.08(176)
P. 93

ਠf͊ԸdҢࡁਗ਼޶Ցྼ᜗ਠ࢕୞၌஼                                БfϾ˲dၾྼ᜗ਿᓾண݄ʔΝdᅰЗ
              ӉಯˇאҁΌଇӖfவਗ਼ࠥЭვБձਠ                                ʧ̙ࠦ˸ͭуʺॴf

              Ҧஔʺॴfᚥ܄᜗᜕ɰਗ਼ᄣ੶dΪމʔ                                人工智慧
              ፫ᗆҦஔձһε၇ᗳٙ˕˹፯ධೌᐻආ                                     ɛʈ౽ᅆ€AIίɓ֛೻ܓɪᅂᚤ


              use of a digital electronic ID (“eID”).          transformed. Any individual with a bank account
              Singapore’s SingPass is one example.             will be able to start accepting payments, as
              S ome other countries developing P K I           the use of digital identification  along  with
              infrastructure to enable use of eID include      biometrics will negate the need for both

              Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia,  Thailand        physical infrastructure and long onboarding
              and Vietnam.                                     processes, enabling micro-merchants and
                                                               individuals to sell at scale. Know-your-
              Empowerment  of  Individual,  Nano-              customer (“KYC”) processes will happen
              Merchant and MSME Customers                      automatically and empower an individual to
                                                               become a seller if they wish to. In the last
                  Currently, the customer onboarding           few  years,  we’ve  also seen the ease at which
              process  for  merchants can be lengthy and       marketplaces, MSMEs and nano-merchants can
              cumbersome. In the future, the customer          accept digital payments. Social commerce in

              onboarding and merchant services will be         China is a notable example of digital wallets

                                                                                             2024.8     台灣銀行家     93

   1          5%     JOEE
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98