Page 75 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
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              花運動,烏克蘭則發生暴力程度高出許多的親                             在烏俄戰爭開打的第一階段,許多難民提款時都遇到問題,但支付系統
              後來俄羅斯以「灰色地帶」(Grey  Zone)的形式                      理革命。當時烏克蘭的腐敗非常嚴重,總統亞
              發動了一些入侵,使烏克蘭的軍方開始現代化;                            努科維奇奢華成性,遲遲不願簽署那份強制金
              但其實同一時間,烏克蘭的銀行業也開始現代                             融業者透明化的《烏克蘭–歐盟聯合協議》,
              化。在今年2月俄羅斯公開入侵之後,烏克蘭之                            最終導致民眾上街抗議,亞努科維奇潛逃外

              所以能撐這麼久,銀行業的現代化功不可沒。                             國,他的貪腐細節才終於為人所知。
                                                                    當時的銀行業也充斥自我交易(S e l f-
              金融監理大革命                                          Dealing),日後的央行總裁瓦蕾莉雅‧洪特
                                                               瓦(Valeria  Gontareva)斥其為「寡頭銀行體
                  2014年的改革目標之一,就是銀行業的監                         系」,讓人脈沒那麼好的小型企業很難獲得

              uncertainty of a fluid military situation.       marked a decisive turn away from Russia in both
                  The best way for banks to prepare for a military   politics and business. In this sense, they could be

              contingency is to balance  system  stability  with   compared to the Sunflower Movement which occurred
              inclusiveness. Ukraine did implement some short-  in Taiwan that same year, although significantly more
              term measures as Russia’s intentions became      violent. Ukraine’s military modernization following
              clearer in late 2021, according to Andriy Dubas,   Russia’s “grey zone” invasion that year has attracted
              President of the Association of Ukrainian Banks. The   much attention, but less recognized was a parallel
              central bank, as well as non-governmental industry   process in the banking sector as well, giving the
              organizations, organized stress tests for banks,   country an important additional element of resilience
              which were kept quiet as the government still insisted   following Russia’s overt invasion in February.
              that no invasion would take place.

                  Nevertheless, said Dubas, “the real preparations   A revolution in banking regulation
              for the war took place from 2014 to about 2019.”
              2014 was the year of the Euromaidan protests, which   Banking regulators were one of the main objects

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 75

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