Page 77 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 77

GDP只有3,727美元。它的普惠金融有一些進                          法正常運作。當地的P a y P a l帳戶無法收到
              展,但由於大多數人太過貧窮,實際上還是                              付款,許多自由工作者為了收錢,只好去
              那些比較有錢的人才能獲得融資。但也正因                              其他國家開立銀行帳戶。後來疫情爆發,
              為該國的貧窮,它在發展金融的過程中「跳                              烏克蘭大力擁抱加密貨幣,如今已是全球
              過」了其他國家必經的許多中間步驟。                                加密貨幣使用率第四高的國家,甚至在俄烏

                  2021年的一項研究發現,該國在2020年                        戰爭開打前夕通過新法,允許銀行開立加密
              的交易有56%以非現金支付,比例跟台灣差                             貨幣帳戶。
              不多;此外,由於接近90家銀行在2014年至                                俄國入侵後,烏國央行立刻展開一系列
              2017年的改革中破產,實體分行網絡明顯破                            回應,包括凍結匯率以及設置臨時帳戶的提
              損。由於該國很多人都沒有銀行帳戶,所以                              款門檻。它還以許多方式注入流動性,例如
              政府在2018年利用郵政系統建立了一種新的                            自動辦理為期1年,甚至可能再延長第2年
              支付方式,讓民眾不需要銀行帳戶就能以該國                             的再融資,藉此使該國金融系統短期維持穩
              貨幣進行電子支付。                                        定。此外,它還取消了原本20萬赫里夫尼亞
                  戰爭發生前,國際支付平台在該國無                             (約7,000美元)的存款保險額度上限。

              on end. Aside from streamlining market exit – an   to Taiwan’s. The report also found that inclusion was
              important part of the capitalist process – the law   harmed by the loss of branch networks due to the
              was widely seen in the context of Ukraine’s political   insolvency of nearly 90 banks as part of the reform
              transition, and nicknamed the “Anti-Kolomoisky Law”   process from 2014-2017. In 2018, the government
              for its effect on the previous owner of a large bank   opened up payments in the domestic currency without
              which had been declared insolvent.               bank accounts through the postal system, allowing

                                                               e-payments to  grow despite a  large unbanked
              Leaping forward                                  population.
                                                                    International payment platforms did not function
                  Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe, with   before the war. Local PayPal accounts could not
              2020 per capita GDP of US$ 3,727. It has made some   receive payments, causing freelancers to occasionally
              progress on financial inclusion, although with uneven   travel overseas to open bank accounts elsewhere. By
              results, as would be expected at that income level. In   the time of the pandemic, Ukraine aspired to become
              fact, starting from such a low base has allowed it to   a cryptocurrency hub, with the world’s 4th-highest
              ‘leapfrog’ past some of the development steps of other   adoption rate, and it was on the verge of passing

              countries.                                       legislation allowing banks to open cryptocurrency
                  A 2021 study found that 56% of its transactions   accounts before the war started.
              by value in 2020 were non-cash, a level comparable    In reaction to the invasion, the NBU implemented

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 77

   1          5%     JOEE
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82