Page 76 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 76

               Special Issue

              融資。親歐示威運動成功之後,銀行業開始不                                  在烏克蘭反貪腐的過程中,國際貨幣基
              斷努力公開實際所有權,洪特瓦表示,銀行揭                             金(IMF)也幫了好幾次忙。後來2020年爆發
              露所有權╱受益權的百分比在2014年還只有                            COVID-19疫情,烏克蘭為了吸引外國貸款而
              40%,2017年已達100%。                                 通過一項銀行法,規定了銀行破產的最終宣告
                  後來,烏克蘭為了確保總體經濟穩定以                            方式,讓破產過程不會在法庭上曠日持久。這

              及提高金融管控,推出了各種改革。該國的                              項法律不僅簡化了銀行業退出市場的程序,讓
              兩大工業重鎮:頓巴斯與克里米亞,占全國                              該產業向自由市場大幅邁進;更被許多人視為
              出口的近三分之一,後來這兩個城市都被俄                              政治轉型的重要一步,甚至因為成功打擊寡頭
              羅斯策動的分離主義者占領。2015年,烏                             克羅莫伊斯基(Ihor  Kolomoyskyi)而被戲稱為
              克蘭的通膨率超過40%,央行為了守護法幣                             「反克羅莫伊斯基法」。
              「赫里夫尼亞」(U A H)幾乎用光了外匯存
              底。從那之後,央行就採用匯率目標機制,                              進步一日千里
              匯管制。                                                  烏克蘭是全歐洲最窮的國家,2020年人均

              of the 2014 revolution. Ukraine’s endemic corruption   Ukraine engaged in wide-reaching reforms to
              was severe, and president at the time Yanukovych led   ensure macroeconomic stability and improve financial
              an extravagant lifestyle (although the full extent of his   controls. Donbass and Crimea were important
              corruption would not be discovered until he later fled   industrial centers and had contributed almost 1/3 of
              the country). The EU-Ukraine association agreement   Ukraine’s exports before Russian-backed separatists
              which he wavered in signing, thereby triggering a   Russia seized them. In 2015, Ukraine’s inflation

              popular uprising, would have included mandatory   exceeded 40%, and it almost exhausted its foreign
              transparency measures, which was one reason why it   exchange reserves defending the hryvnia. After
              was so highly anticipated in the first place.    weathering the initial shock, the National Bank of
                  Banking was rife with self-dealing, which Valeria   Ukraine (NBU, the central bank) adopted a targeting
              Gontareva, later Governor of the NBU, called an   regime to successfully keep inflation under 20% since
              “oligarch banking model.” Following the success of   then, while also easing foreign exchange controls.
              the movement, great efforts were made regarding       Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts have been
              disclosure of beneficial ownership. By 2017, Gontarva   assisted at times by the IMF. Later, as Ukraine
              said that 100% of bank ownership was accounted for,   sought international loans in response to the COVID

              up from 40% in 2014. The system prevented small and   pandemic in 2020, it passed a banking law making
              less-connected businesses from receiving adequate   declarations of banks’ insolvency final, so the process
              financing.                                       could not be dragged through the courts for years

         76   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81