Page 71 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 71

不表示國際金融公司在香港毫無出路,因為                              和經濟問題,而在香港對中國企業或中國經
              仍有許多人對中國內地依舊抱持很高的期                               濟做出任何批評,都有可能讓分析師和其雇
              待。著名例子就是粵港澳大灣區,涵蓋了廣                              主惹上麻煩,所以能看到的全都是取悅中國
              東省的9個城市、香港和澳門,共計8,600萬                           共產黨的分析,完全不值得投資客參考。
              人口。有些公司可能會將人員轉移到內地,                                   新加坡目前已經成為世界前500大企業總

              但中國國內金融體系的諸多限制,比如資本                              部職缺最多的亞洲城市,蘋果、微軟、通用
              管制,對這些公司來說,香港仍為他們帶來                              汽車或迪士尼等公司都在這個城市國家設立
              一定的競爭優勢。                                         區域總部。
                  但是長期來看,以香港為區域基地的跨                                 與此同時,除了中國企業以外,越來越
              國企業,將可能把更多人員轉調到新加坡。                              少國際企業在香港設總部。根據香港政府統
              與香港比起來,新加坡的經商環境更穩定,                              計局的資料顯示,2018年中國企業總部辦公
              更有規則可循,而且政治領導能力更強,法                              室大約有197間,到了2021年變成252間,相
              治建設水準也更高。雖然新加坡不太保障媒                              較之下,2018年美國企業在香港的總部辦公
              體自由,但至少分析人士可以自由談論金融                              室有290間,但到了2021年下降為254間。同

              over economic matters in Hong Kong.              across 9 Guangdong Province cities, Hong Kong
                  "Safeguarding our country’s sovereignty,     and Macau. Some firms may move personnel
              national security and development interests, and   to the mainland, but the many restrictions in
              protecting Hong Kong from internal and external   China’s domestic financial system, such as capital
              threats, and ensuring its stability will continue to be   controls, mean that Hong Kong will retain certain
              of paramount importance," Lee told reporters after   competitive advantages for these firms.

              winning the endorsement of a pro-Beijing election     However, international companies that used
              committee in May.                                Hong Kong as a regional base will likely shift more
                                                               personnel to Singapore over the long term. Compared
              Financial  center  with  Chinese  charac-        to Hong Kong. Singapore has a more stable and
              teristics                                        predictable business environment, more able political
                                                               leadership and better upholds the rule of law. Though
                  The de facto end of “one country, two        the city-state is not exactly a bastion of press freedom,
              systems” in Hong Kong will not mean the end of   analysts based there have more freedom to speak
              international financial firms in the city, as many   candidly about financial and economic matters. In

              still have high hopes for opportunities in the   Hong Kong, speaking too negatively about a Chinese
              mainland. A notable example is the Greater Bay   company or the Chinese economy could land  an
              Area, which has a total population of 86 million   analyst or the analyst’s employer in hot water.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 71

   1          5%     JOEE
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76