Page 66 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 66

               Special Issue

              都能成功實施單一計畫,但長達多年的複雜計                                  • 招募適合的員工:ESG人才的市場需求
              畫就有挑戰性。盡早評估銀行內部的專案管理                             很大,可能不容易在市場上找到。如果真的聘
              能力,將有助於判斷既有的各種資源是否足以                             不到具有ESG經驗的老手,可以考慮用好幾位
              達成轉型,還是可能需要從外部尋找專家。                              各自具備不同技能的人來組合。像是利害關係
                  • 尋找外部資源:如果決定聘請專家或和                          人管理、專案管理、監理合作都是相當有用的

              顧問公司合作,就必須檢查專家是否具備相關                             技能。
              經驗與知識。值得一提的是,大型顧問公司派                                  • 任命ESG執行官:找一個人來負責規畫
              出來參與實際執行的專家,可能是低階員工而                             ESG架構和實施會比較好。這個職位會跟很多
              非該公司合夥人,所以務必要了解專家的背景                             不同部門溝通,所以必須嫻熟公司政治,而且
              與能力。                                             最好資歷夠深,還能夠直接跟最高層匯報。

              Framework implementation is highly dependent on   Undertaking an early assessment of whether the
              the data requirements. Not all banks will be currently   bank’s internal project resources will be up to the
              capturing data appropriately. Furthermore, many   task will be helpful in determining whether existing

              banks will have issues with the quality of data that’s   resources are sufficient or whether external expertise
              captured. Banks should start gathering data in a way   may be needed to assist.
              that will facilitate Framework implementation. For   •Consider Specialist External Expertise : If
              example, supplementing a customer loan annual    considering the use of external support or consulting
              review process with a questionnaire on customer   firms, review the track record of the individuals
              activities will be useful when categorising a customer’s   and consulting expertise that will be involved in the
              activities against regulatory benchmarks or when   Framework project to determine if it will meet the

              undertaking a regulatory stress test.            needs of the project. Note, in larger consulting firms, it
                  •Engage with Internal Stakeholders : Start   will most likely be the juniors rather than partners that
              early conversations with areas that will be heavily   get involved in the day-to-day implementation so be
              impacted by the Framework implementation. The CRO   aware of their respective backgrounds and capabilities
              and credit risk team, for example, should certainly   too.
              be approached early as their input and project       •Hire Well : The demand for talented staff with
              support will be vital to the success of the Framework   genuine ESG expertise is significant and they may not
              implementation.                                  be readily available in the market. If a bank cannot

                  •Assess  Internal  Project  Management       hire staff with direct ESG experience, then consider
              Capability : Most banks have a reasonable capability   hiring individuals with the skillsets that may be needed.
              to implement projects. However, multi-year complex   Individuals with stakeholder management, project
              projects can be more challenging to execute.     management and regulatory engagement expertise

         66   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
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