Page 62 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 62

               Special Issue



                                                                                       撰文:Fergus Clark柯富倫

                    界各地都在加速推動 ESG(環境、社                         守,而且有很多重要客戶都是半導體業這種
              世 會、 治 理 ) 與 永 續 金 融 架 構。 客 戶、                   可能會傷害環境的經濟重點產業,這些都使業
              監理機關、投資者的要求不斷快速改變,銀                              者很難第一時間因應 ESG 潮流與投資人想法
              行業必須以閃電般的速度改變他們的金融                               的變遷。
              架構,才有辦法因應。台灣銀行業者正在跟                                  全球監理環境正在一邊標準化,一邊不斷
              上,但該產業的特性,使得所有權結構的改                              演變,銀行監理者必須在海量的新規定與監理
              革困難重重。此外,台灣銀行業通常相當保                              規則中,找出當地應該遵循的方向。這工作顯

              Developing ESG and Sustainable Finance Frame-


              The article discusses some practical, general perspectives on what Taiwanese banks
              may wish to consider in undertaking implementation of their ESG and Sustainable
              Finance Frameworks.

                   rganisations around the world continue to   the sector’s generally conservative approach to
              Oaccelerate their implementation of ESG and      change and customers in specific industry sectors
              sustainable finance frameworks (“Frameworks”).   that are critical to Taiwan’s economy yet undertaking
              Bank sectors globally have needed to transform   activities that may be harmful to the environment i.e.
              their Frameworks at a lightning pace in order    semiconductors, among other things.
              to meet the changing needs of their customers,        The global regulatory environment is
              regulators and investors. Taiwan’s banking sector is   also continuing to evolve while it approaches

              also adapting yet there are some characteristics of this   standardisation. Banking sector regulators need
              sector that create some particular challenges to this   to contend with a plethora of changing rules and
              transformation in terms of bank ownership structures,   regulations, setting out their own expectations for

         62   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

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