Page 65 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 65

銀行目前可以怎麼做                                             ‧ 開始蒐集相關資料:ESG的成功實施需
                  台灣的「綠色金融行動方案」目前已經發                           這些資料,而且許多銀行手上的資料品質不
              展到2.0,由於全球監理環境不斷演進,台灣                            佳。銀行應該開始改變資料的蒐集方式,以便
              的方案之後大概也會繼續改版。儘管如此,                              於之後實施ESG,例如也許可以在客戶貸款年

              銀行還是應該盡早著手改革,例如從下列幾                              度評估中,額外了解客戶在從事怎樣的業務,
              方面開始:                                            藉此確定銀行的貸款會不會違反E S G監理規
                  ‧ 盡早制定ESG策略:銀行必須根據監理                         定。這種方法也能單純當成壓力測試,檢查銀
              需求和銀行所有人的目標,制定該行的ESG策                            行能否充分因應監理規定。
              略。可以選擇被動遵守監理規定,也可以選擇                                  ‧ 開始聯絡相關部門:盡早跟那些ESG架
              主動出擊。但無論如何,監理規定改變之後,                             構會影響到的人,例如首席風險官與信貸風險
              無論銀行採取哪種策略,都一定會增加成本;                             部門進行討論,這些部門的投入與規劃將決定
              而找到最佳方案充分實行ESG架構的銀行,很                            ESG轉型是否成功。
              可能獲得競爭優勢。                                             ‧ 評估自己的專案管理能力:大部分銀行

              across multiple years. Flexibility with a bank’s action   Steps Banks Can Take Now
              plan may be needed as the regulator may give
              feedback during implementation. It is also important to   Taiwan’s Green Finance Action Plan (currently
              note that as the regulatory environment continues to   2.0) is likely to continue to evolve, especially as the
              evolve, so do stakeholder requirements and changes   global regulatory environment is in a state of flux.
              in customer demand for green products. These factors   Nonetheless, banks should make a start with the

              may require changes in developed action plans and   process sooner than later. The following areas may be
              implementation (be it timing or scope). Therefore,   considered:
              management should be prepared to maintain flexibility   ‧Develop an ESG Strategy Early : Developing
              and change direction when needed.                the Bank’s Framework strategy will be driven
                  In developing a Framework implementation     somewhat by regulatory requirements and what the
              roadmap and action plan, consider the areas targeted.   bank’s owners actually want. The objective may be
              Risk management and, particularly, credit risk is   purely compliance or a more ambitious outcome. Note,
              an obvious focus given implementation is likely to   there may be competitive advantages for banks that
              primarily impact loan portfolios. However, planning   adopt best-practice ESG Frameworks. Importantly,

              should also consider data management, IT, project   compliance costs cannot be avoided and may be
              management, regulatory engagement and investor   similar whichever strategy is adopted.
              relations.                                           ‧Capture Relevant Data : The success of a

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 65

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