Page 69 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 69

              至包括記者,《財星》於1995年的悲觀預言                            越來越多的外國人逃離香港,為了避免激怒北京,企業的動作相對低
              似乎逐漸應驗。                                          員工或職缺遷出。(圖/達志影像)
              最後一根稻草並非國安法,而是最近比照內                              公司中,有將近半數正將至少部分員工或職
              地實行的「清零」防疫政策,中國政府希望                              缺遷出香港。
              藉由政治力量將目前的疫情消除殆盡,可惜                                  香港美國商會(American  Chamber  of
              事與願違。香港跟進了內地的政策,禁止非                              Commerce  in  Hong  Kong)1月的調查顯示,
              香港居民入境,並強制返國的香港居民在入                              60%的會員認為過去一年香港的法治正在惡化,
              境後,必須在防疫旅館隔離很長一段時間。                              但只有5%的會員明確表示計畫將總部遷出香
                  如今,越來越多外國人逃離了這座城                             港。也許是這個問題在政治上太過敏感,大約

              市,為了避免激怒北京,企業的動作相對低                              一半的會員表示「還不確定」要怎麼做。
              調,但是也一樣掀起出走潮。亞洲證券業暨                                  亞洲證券業暨金融市場協會和香港美
              金融市場協會(A S I F M A)去年一項調查發                       國商會的調查,都是在香港爆發最嚴重疫情
              現,所有在香港的大型國際銀行和資產管理                              之前進行的。疫情期間,香港比照了中國內

                  Crucially, Beijing did not tinker with the legal   As ominous as the law was, the final straw
              infrastructure established by the British that made   for boosters of the city as an international financial

              Hong Kong an attractive place to do business.    center came more recently – with Hong Kong’s strict
              There was also a relatively free media environment   adherence to the mainland’s “zero-Covid” policy, a
              compared to the mainland, which matters for the   fruitless, politically-driven bid to eliminate one of the
              financial sector.                                most infectious respiratory diseases on earth. Like the
                  Hong  Kong  changed  dramatically  with  the   mainland, Hong Kong has barred non-residents and
              central government’s imposition of a draconian   forced residents who travel internationally to undergo
              national security law in June 2020 that bypassed   lengthy hotel quarantines upon their return.
              the city’s legislature. The law, which has been       The exodus of foreign professionals from
              used to silence, sanction and jail opponents of the   the city is now real. Firms are leaving too, though

              Chinese Communist Party, including journalists,   many are moving stealthily to avoid provoking
              signaled the beginning of the end that  Fortune   Beijing. A poll last year by the Asia Securities
              predicted back in 1995.                          Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA)

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 69

   1          5%     JOEE
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74