Page 70 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 70

               Special Issue

              地追求的清零目標,實行一系列的「抗疫措                              有北京當局撐腰,但不太可能緩解商業界的擔
              施」,例如推行方艙醫院等隔離方式,並且                              憂,而且真要說起來,中共之所以選擇一名警
              考慮對所有市民進行核酸檢測。                                   察,而非商業老將來坐這個位子,就顯示他們
                  雖然香港後來放棄了大規模檢驗,並表                            把穩住香港政局看得比維繫香港經濟更重要。
              示希望採取不同的作法,例如在4月的時候,                                  李家超在5月這場親北京的選舉中勝選,

              將隔離時間縮短至7天,5月的時候取消了過                             他於記者會上發表當選宣言稱,「我會堅定維
              去26個月以來禁止非香港居民入境的命令,                             護《憲法》及《基本法》確立的憲制地位,守
              但是傷害已經造成。許多長期在香港做生意                              住法治的核心價值,堅持底線思維,抵禦來自
              的商界人士,如今皆對香港政府失去了信                               內外的威脅和破壞,保障香港社會大局穩定,
              心,甚至認為港府治理無能。                                    維護國家主權、安全和發展利益。」
              勢中表示,以家庭因素為由放棄追求連任。                              具有中國特色的金融中心
              導鎮壓2019年的民主抗議活動。李家超應該                                 然而,香港實際上一國兩制的終結,並

              found that almost half of all major international     Though Hong Kong backed off from mass testing
              banks and asset management firms in Hong Kong    and has signaled its intention to pursue a different path
              were considering moving at least some employees   from the mainland – in April it shortened quarantine
              or job functions out of the city.                to seven days and in May lifted a 26-month-old ban
                  A survey published in January by the American   on non-residents – the damage has been done. Many
              Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong found that 60%   businesspeople with longstanding ties to the city have

              of members felt the rule of law had worsened in   lost confidence in the Hong Kong government, which
              the past 12 months, though just 5% had definite   is now widely viewed as inept.
              plans to move their headquarters out of the city.     In April embattled chief executive Carrie Lam
              About half were “unsure” about that decision, likely   said she would not seek a second term, citing
              reflecting the political sensitivity of the issue.  family reasons. Her successor, John Lee, has
                  The ASIFMA and AmCham surveys were           spent his career in law enforcement and led the
              conducted before the most recent and worst Covid   crackdown on the 2019 pro-democracy protests.
              outbreak in Hong Kong, during which the city     While Lee may have Beijing’s blessing for the job,
              adopted mainland-style “anti-epidemic measures”   his appointment is unlikely to assuage the business

              like quarantine camps and mulled testing the city’s   community’s concerns. Selecting a former police
              entire population – a hallmark of zero-Covid efforts   officer over someone with extensive business experience
              on the mainland.                                 shows that the ruling Communist Party prioritizes security

         70   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75