Page 72 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 72

               Special Issue

              一時間,將總部設在香港的日本企業數量也                              微放寬了對科技公司的長期打壓,今年下半
              有所下降,從原本的244家,降至210家。總                           年有可能會出現復甦。為了挽救被清零政策
              體來說,香港地區的企業總部數量從2018年                            影響的經濟,4月下旬,習近平在政治局會議
              的1,530家,降到了2021年的1,457家,減少                       中表示,北京當局將暫緩針對科技公司的監
              了約4.7%。香港最近嚴格的防疫措施,很可                            理行動。會後發表的一項聲明指出,中國將

              能會刺激更多企業決定出走。                                    推動網際網路平台經濟「健康發展」、「完
                  比起新加坡和其他亞洲金融中心,香港                            成平台經濟專項整改、實施常態化監管」。
              的明顯優勢在於,能夠吸引高額的首次公開                                   因惡劣的市場環境而中斷香港IPO計畫的
              募股(IPO),新加坡資本市場的深度和流通                            中國科技公司,將重新審慎進行IPO。其中最
              程度都比不上香港。自2009年以來,香港IPO                          引人注目的IPO就是螞蟻集團,該企業2020年
              已連續7次位居全球第一,在此期間,新加坡                             曾在滬港兩地申請上市,原本預計將籌資345
              從未進過前10名。                                        億美元,公司市值估計約3,135億美元,卻被
                  儘管2022年香港IPO表現低迷,但中國稍                        監理機關叫停。雖然螞蟻集團目前的市值有

              Investors cannot depend on analysis skewed to    2018, a decline of 4.7%. The fall-out over the city’s
              please the Chinese Communist Party though.       efforts to contain the coronavirus will likely spur
                  Singapore is already home to more headquarter   additional relocation plans.
              jobs from global Fortune 500 companies than any      Where Hong Kong will retain a clear advantage
              other Asian city. Firms from Apple to Microsoft  to   over Singapore and other Asian financial centers is

              General Motors to Walt Disney have their regional   in its ability to attract big-ticket IPOs. Singapore lacks
              headquarters in the city-state.                  Hong Kong’s deep and liquid capital markets. Hong
                  Hong Kong, meanwhile, has slowly been        Kong’s IPO market has been the world’s largest seven
              losing regional headquarters, except in the case   times since 2009. Singapore’s never cracked the top
              of mainland Chinese firms. Data compiled by the   10 during that period.
              Hong Kong government’s statistics bureau show        Though Hong Kong’s IPO market has been
              that they had 252 such offices in the city in 2021,   sluggish in 2022, the easing of China’s long-
              compared to 197 in 2018. In contrast, American   running crackdown on technology companies
              companies had 254 regional offices in Hong Kong   could  pave  the  way for a revival in the second half

              last year, down from 290 in 2018. The number of   of the year. With the Chinese economy reeling from
              Japanese companies with regional Hong Kong       zero Covid, Beijing signaled in late April at a Politburo
              headquarters also fell during that same period,   meeting hosted by Chinese leader Xi Jinping that it
              from 244 to 210. Overall, Hong Kong’s regional   would give tech firms a reprieve. A statement issued
              headquarters fell to 1,457 in 2021 from 1,530 in   after the meeting said that China would promote

         72   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77