Page 74 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 74

               Special Issue



                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    在戰爭時期維持經濟正常運作,就需要                          際銀行體系整合時可能會有障礙。靈活組合這
              要 實體現金、集中化的數位現金,以及分                              三種資產,可以幫助被占領的國家在瞬息萬變
              散式的數位資產。實體現金什麼時候都很好                              的戰局中保持彈性。

              用,但很容易被充公。集中化的數位貨幣,                                   銀行防範軍事入侵的作法,是在系統穩定
              在那些被敵人控制的地區,會被敵國法律牽                              性和包容性之間取得平衡。烏克蘭銀行協會主
              制,但如果當地有分行,就比現金更好用。                              席安德烈‧杜巴斯(Andriy  Dubas)表示,俄
              分散式的數位資產打從設計之初就是為了抵                              羅斯在2021年底明顯露出入侵意圖之後,烏克
              抗干涉,但由於金融戰的影響,它們在跟國                              蘭的確採取了一些短期因應措施,當時烏克蘭

              Banking Was a Critical Part of Ukraine’s Moderni-

              zation Process

              By the time of the pandemic, Ukraine aspired to become a cryptocurrency hub, with the
              world’s 4th-highest adoption rate, and it was on the verge of passing legislation allowing
              banks to open cryptocurrency accounts before the war started.

                  he wartime economy necessitates a mix of     but may be more practical when physical bank
              Tphysical cash, centralized digital cash, and    branches are available. The third is designed to be
              decentralized digital assets. The first is useful in   as robust as possible, but may not integrate well

              all situations, but vulnerable to physical seizures.   with the international banking system in a financial
              The second is vulnerable to potentially hostile   war environment. A portfolio of the three can help
              legal measures in areas controlled by the enemy,   a country under occupation diversify against the

         74   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79