Page 78 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 78

               Special Issue

                  在戰爭開打的第一階段,許多難民提                             制與文化背景差異甚大,對台灣來說,烏克蘭
              款時都遇到問題,但支付系統立即補上漏                               最大的啟示可能反而在那些沒有引起關注的地
              洞,PayPal在3月17日宣布取消該國的收款限                         方。烏克蘭的現況告訴我們,網路攻擊的影響
              制,同時免除手續費。在此同時,烏克蘭也                              力似乎沒有想像中那麼大。目前還不確定為什
              通過了前述提到的加密貨幣法律,並且使用                              麼會這樣,原因可能是俄羅斯的戰略選擇,也

              一些方法,阻斷俄羅斯、白羅斯的信用卡發                              有可能是因為俄國情報系統混亂,甚至可能跟
              行機構與俄羅斯境內進行轉帳,成功阻止敵人                             訊息傳遞有關,畢竟那些脆弱的機構絕對不會
              獲取財源。                                            想誠實回報自己有多無能。
                  銀行協會的杜巴斯還說,烏克蘭只要是尚                                不過除此之外還有另一種可能,那就是烏
              未淪陷的地方,所有銀行都還正常運作。                               克蘭在西方情報機構和國際駭客的幫助下,已
              守護國安的關鍵在於容忍與開放                                   帶一提,杜巴斯也有提到該國的軟體業在經
                  台灣與烏克蘭的地緣政治局勢類似,但體                           這種產業不受任何物理空間的限制,之後很

              a number of measures, most significantly freezing   have remained online in the parts of the country
              the exchange rate and imposing some temporary    Ukraine still controls, said Dubas of the Association of
              account withdrawal limits. Short-term system stability   Ukrainian Banks.
              was ensured thanks to liquidity injections, such as
              automatic refinancing arrangements for one year, with   Gray hats and red hats
              the possibility of extension for a second. Meanwhile,

              deposit guarantees were increased from UAH 200,000    For Taiwan – which is in a similar geopolitical
              (about US$ 7,000) to an unlimited amount.        situation, but with a very different institutional and
                  In the first period of the war, some refugees   cultural context – the most important lesson from the
              reported problems accessing their money. Payment   war might be the dog that didn’t bark. Cyberattacks
              channels were however quickly expanded. On March   haven’t played nearly as important a role in the war as
              17, PayPal announced the end of restrictions on its   expected, for reasons that remain unclear. It may have
              services, with fees waived. Ukraine also signed the   been a strategic choice for Russia, for some reason,
              aforementioned cryptocurrency legislation. At the   or could reflect chaos in its intelligence organs. The
              same time, it also made some moves to cut off enemy   reason could yet be related to reporting: nobody has

              finances, banning transfers to or from credit cards   an incentive to reveal their own vulnerabilities.
              issues from Russia or Belarus.                        Another possibility is that Ukraine, perhaps with
                  All banking services except for foreign exchange   the help of Western intelligence and international

         78   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83