Page 79 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 79

可能會在烏克蘭西部快速發展。                                   幫忙找系統漏洞。而且銀行業自己也不喜歡聽
                  這點很值得台灣參考,台灣的金融科技                            到壞消息,所以很可能更不想認真評估開放之
              一旦發展起來,就能夠成為在戰爭時期維繫                              後的風險。但既然台灣對自身存亡的焦慮感在
              金融系統正常運作的基礎建設,並且培育關                              全球數一數二,它應該更主動接納各種新點子
              鍵領域的人才,使金融環境更為穩定。可惜                              解決國安問題。

              目前只有一家銀行跟P a y P a l連動,加密貨幣                           烏克蘭的經驗告訴我們,有效的金融系
              更是完全沒有進入台灣的銀行系統。當然,                              統是復興國家的關鍵,它能讓國家在促進生產
              台灣在太陽花運動之後相當重視中國資本的                              的過程中,保持穩定與秩序;光是一味避開風
              入侵,但並不需要為此犧牲整體金融發展。                              險,絕對不可能守住國家安全。真正有用的方
              台灣應該以國家安全的角度來思考金融政                               法,是根據每種風險的實際狀況,讓國內的各
              策,在確實存在的風險與開放系統的預期效益                             種組織與部門根據自身經驗做出最佳判斷。這
              之間取得平衡。                                          不僅在商業上如此,在整體國家大事上也是如
                  台灣目前金融政策的一大破口,就是沒有                           此。(本文作者為台灣金融研訓院特聘外籍研
              提出獎勵機制,讓不受控制的「灰帽人物」去                             究員;譯者為劉維人)

              hackers, has shored up its defenses to a sufficient   it needs to balance the risks that really exist with
              extent to ensure some degree of security. Incidentally,   possible rewards from openness.
              Dubas sees software as a growth industry in Ukraine   As one example of the dangers of a “zero
              during its recovery phase.  He anticipates that   tolerance” approach, Taiwan has yet to develop a
              because the industry doesn’t require strong ties to   culture of “grey hat” bug bounties. Companies’ desire
              any particular location, it will particularly grow in the   not to hear bad news can ironically prevent them

              Western part of Ukraine.                         from evaluating their security in an unconstrained
                  In Taiwan’s case, a thriving FinTech ecosystem   environment. Taiwan could be more proactive about
              would be likely to improve its security, not only by   creative security solutions; it is hard to think of another
              directly providing infrastructure, but also by nurturing   country who should be more concerned in this area.
              a talent pool in important areas. For comparison,    Ukraine’s experience demonstrates that finance
              PayPal is only available through one bank in Taiwan,   is a critical sector for national rejuvenation, being in
              and cryptocurrency is completely disconnected  from   a position to balance real production with stability
              the banking system. Taiwan is indeed concerned   and control. It is impossible to achieve security solely
              about the possible effects of Chinese money in   through de-risking. Instead, a risk-based approach

              the wake of the Sunflower Movement, but this     allowing organizations and divisions within them to
              worry should not stand in the way of its overall   exercise their best judgement is critical – not only for
              development. As a general national security principle,   commerce but also for broader security.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 79

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