Page 68 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 68

               Special Issue



                                                                                     撰文:Matthew Fulco傅長壽

                            年 6 月,早在英國宣布將殖                     承諾,但是香港在許多方面的發展仍算是相
              1995民地香港回歸中國之前,《財                                當順暢。尤其,香港與中國內地之間建立了
              星》(Fortune)雜誌就曾撰文提及「香港的死                         深厚的關係,吸引了野心勃勃的中國企業在
              亡」。當時人們越來越擔心原來自由奔放的資                             香港證券交易所上市。中國市場迅速增長,
              本主義城市,在共產主義祖國的統治下將會走                             也吸引了許多銀行家紛紛湧入香港,香港一

              樣,而兩位作者在這篇引發爭議的文章中,直                             直穩坐亞洲的國際金融中心寶座。
              言不諱地說:「香港未來將變得如何,其實可                                  更重要的是,中國之前並沒有亂動由英
              以用三個字來概括:『玩完了』。」                                 國人建立的法律基礎設施,香港之所以曾吸
                  近25年來回看香港的發展,《財星》雜誌                          引世界各地的人來此地經商,正是歸功於這
              似乎有些言之過早。近來北京的一些動作確                              些法律基礎。此外,香港的媒體環境也比內
              實令人不安,例如北京未能兌現香港普選的                              地來得自由,這是金融順利發展的關鍵。

              Hong Kong’s mainlandization is nearly complete

              The implications are grim for those invested in the city’s role as an international financial
              center, but many Chinese firms will thrive anyway.

                n June 1995,  Fortune magazine proclaimed the   had jumped the gun. Despite some foreboding
              I“the death of Hong Kong” ahead of the then      signs, like Beijing’s failure to approve promised
              British Crown Colony’s handover to China. With   universal suffrage in the city, Hong Kong thrived
              anxiety mounting about how the freewheeling      in many respects.  The city leveraged its deep
              capitalist city would  fare under the  communist   connections with the mainland to attract high-
              motherland’s rule, the controversial article pulled   flying Chinese companies to list on the Hong Kong
              no punches. “In fact, the naked truth about Hong   Stock Exchange. Bankers who sought to serve the

              Kong's future can be summed up in two words: It's   growing mainland market flocked to the city. As an
              over,” the authors wrote.                        international financial center in Asia, Hong Kong
                  For almost 25 years, it appeared  Fortune    retained pride of place.

         68   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73