Page 74 - NO.146銀行家雜誌
P. 74

               Special Issue


              讓人想起 1970 年代


                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                   年夏天,記者尼可拉斯 ˙ 瓦普夏(Nicholas                   釋。而我們目前的物價上漲,就跟當年的狀
              今 Wapshott)出了一本很符合時事的書《薩                         況有許多相似之處。
              繆爾森 vs. 傅利曼》(Samuelson  Friedman),                    貨幣學派認為,之所以會有通膨,只是因

              簡述兩位重量級經濟學家之間長達數年的學                              為央行印了太多貨幣而已。但薩繆爾森認為沒
              術辯論。薩繆爾森是凱因斯的信徒,傅利曼                              這麼簡單,物價上漲是供給面因素造成的,也
              則開創了貨幣學派,兩人對於 1970 年代至                           就是成本增加造成供給不足。貨幣學派的說法
              1980 年代初的通膨從何而來,有不同的詮                            很直觀,比較好推廣,所以在政治上贏了。

              Current Inflation Debate Stands in the Shadow of

              the 1970s

              The former from a more traditional Keynesian perspective, and the latter the pioneer of
              monetarism. The setting of this rivalry was the inflation of the 1970s in the early 1980s,
              a period which forms the background for today’s rising prices.

                  his summer, the journalist Nicholas Wapshott   1980s, a period which forms the background for
              Treleased a timely book entitled Samuelson       today’s rising prices.
              Friedman outlining a long-running intellectual debate   Monetarism offered a simple and intuitive
              between two heavyweight economists – the former   demand-pull explanation: the central bank was

              from a more traditional Keynesian perspective, and   creating too much money. The alternative, more
              the latter the pioneer of monetarism. The setting of   nuanced perspective is cost-push, or supply side. In
              this rivalry was the inflation of the 1970s in the early   political terms, the former explanation decisively won

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