Page 215 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-貳篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 215

第四章  出口押匯相關疑難問題  203


                                  通稱「國際標準銀行實務 (ISBP)」,乃指對國際商會 (ICC)  現行信

                             用狀統一慣例 (UCP600) 有關跟單信用狀全球性使用的規則作實務上的補
                             充。ISBP 並非修改信用狀統一慣例,它詳細地說明,該規則如何應用在


                                  茲將國際商會 (ICC) 最近發表之 Publication No. 681,即國際標準銀
                             行實務 (ISBP 2007)  有關單據更正及更改 (Corrections or alterations)  規

                             一、一般原則 (General Principles) 項下

                                1. 第 9 項 (原文)
                                  9. Corrections and alterations of information or data in  documents,

                                  other than documents created by the beneficiary, must appear  to be
                                  authenticated by the party  who issued the document or by a  party

                                  authorized by the issuer to do so.  Corrections  and alterations in
                                  documents which have been legalized, visaed, certified or similar, must

                                  appear to be authenticated by the party who legalized, visaed,certified
                                  etc., the document. The authentication  must show by  whom the

                                  authentication has  been  made and include  the signature or initials of

                                  that party. If the authentication appears to have been made by a party
                                  other than the issuer of the document, the authentication must clearly

                                  show in which capacity that party has authenticated the correction or
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