Page 243 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 243

第五章  出口押匯  227

                                     仍可裝運者則在 M/R 上加以批註,致將來發給不清潔提單。
                                  6. 付費領取提單:在 CIF 或 CFR 之價格條件下,賣方要預付運費後才

                                     能領取提單,出口商持大副收據 M/R 向船公司換取提單。



                                  1. 1924 年統一載貨證券規則國際公約 (International Convention for the
                                     Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading Brussels,

                                     25 1924,簡稱海牙規則) 第一條第五款“Carriage of Goods”Covers the
                                     Period from the Time when Goods are Loaded on to the Time They are

                                     Discharged from the Ship,意即明示運送人之責任區間,由貨物裝載

                                  2. 1978 年聯合國海上貨物運送公約 (United Nations Convention of the
                                     Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978) 簡稱漢堡規則第二章 (運送人之責任)

                                     (責任期間) 第一款及第二款規定,

                                 -PART II LIABILITY OF THE CARRIER
                                 -Article 4. Period of responsibility

                                 1. The responsibility of the carrier, for the goods under this Convention covers

                             the period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods at the port of loading,
                             during the carriage and at the port of discharge.

                                 2. For the purpose of para. 1 of this Article, the carrier is deemed to be in
                             charge of the goods

                                  (a) from the time he has taken over the goods from:
                                    (i) the shipper, or a person acting on his behalf; or
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