Page 103 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 103

第四章  信用狀  87

                                 據此,依據國際商會 ICC 最近發表之 Publication No.681 即國際銀行標準
                             實務 (ISBP),有關「單據上數學計算」第 24 項解釋如下:

                                 24.  Detailed mathematical calculations in documents will not be checked by
                             banks. Banks  are only obliged to  check total  values  against the credit and  other

                             required documents.
                                 24.  銀行不查核單據上數學計算之明細。銀行僅負責就總金額與信用


                                 貨運單據  (Shipping Documents)  中,諸如商 業發票  (Commercial
                             Invoice)、裝箱單 (Packing List)  等內容如算術計算有錯誤是否可以拒付

                                 依據國際商會銀行技術委員會 1984 年 1 月 17 日會議意見如下:

                                 “The Commission considered that banks  had to exercise reasonable care
                             checking document in accordance with Article 7 of UCP 1974 Revision (Article 15

                             1983 Revision) but did not have to check detailed arithmetical calculation unless

                             there was an  obvious error on the face of the document  metting on 17 January
                             1984,ICC DOC,470/420,470/425”

                                 國際商會認為:銀行須依據 UCP 1974 290 第 7 條 (UCP 1983 400) 以相當

                                 據此,押匯銀行所提示之押匯文件中,算術計算有明顯之錯誤 (Obvious

                                 Errors  and omissions excepted 的簡稱,又可稱 E.O.E.。通常印就於估價

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