Page 33 - 次貸風暴下的省思-解開CDS及CDO密碼
P. 33

             Amounts payable by the Borrower:
              Payment Dates:      August 10, 2004
              Fixed Payment:      4.46% of Notional Amount
             Governing Law:      New York
             For the determination of the Swap Amount,   the Relevant Swap shall be considered to
             be terminated on the following basis:
             (i) the Relevant Swap is the only Tran  saction governed by the Master Agreement;
             (ii) the Relevant Swap is te  rminated due to the occurrence of a Termination Event;
             (iii) the Early Termination Date sh  all be the Notification Date; and
             (iv) the Settlement Amount is calculated by Y   bank, pursuant to Section 6(e)(ii)(1) of
                 the   Master   Agreement on the basis that   Market Quotation applies and the occurrence
                 of a Termination Event with respect to th  e Lender as the sole Affected Party.
             Unless the context otherwise requires, all   terms used above and not otherwise defined
             in this Agreement shall have the mean  ings ascribed thereto in the 1991 ISDA
             Definitions, as supplemented by the 1998 S  upplement published by the International
             Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (fo  rmerly the International Swaps Dealers
             Association, Inc.) and the Master Agreement.
             Convertible Bonds" has the meaning giv  en to it under the Security Deed.
             Event of Default" means an ev  ent specified as follows:
             Issuer" means Y Corporation
             "Reference Credit Risk Event" means any   one or more of the following events:
             (a)Bankruptcy (b)Cross Default (c)Failure   to Pay (d) Repudiation/Moratorium: (e)
             Restructuring  :
             Borrower's rights upon Referenc  e Credit Risk Event
             Interest Rate (a) the Margin; a  nd (b) the applicable LIBOR.
             Notification: The Borrower shall determine th  e rate of interest on the Loan and shall
             promptly notify the Lender of   the determination of a rate of interest under this
             Notification of Event of De  fault : The Borrower shall not  ify the Lender of any Event
             of Default (and the steps, if any, bein  g taken to remedy it) promptly upon its

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