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              林頓都在這3個州贏得支持。然而從那之後,                             藍。前3個州的主要大都市區,例如波特蘭、

              這些州都變成了深紅,自2000年以來的每一次                           西雅圖、丹佛,大多數的居民都是專業人
              選舉,共和黨候選人的票數都遙遙領先。                               士。新墨西哥州則是有大量西班牙裔,這些
                  與此同時,奧勒岡州、華盛頓州、科                             人往往會投民主黨。
              羅拉多州和新墨西哥州這些藍州,都變得更                                   一般來說,一個州的農村和白人人口越

              voting for the Republican candidate.                  Meanwhile, blue states that have become “bluer”
                  One of the main reasons red states have      include Oregon, Washington, Colorado and New
              become “redder” since the 1990s is that white working-  Mexico. The former three states are home to growing
              class voters that make up large segments of those   numbers of educated urban professionals in the major
              states’ populations have shifted decisively to the   metropolitan areas of Portland, Seattle and Denver
              Republican Party. As recently as the 1990s, large   respectively. New Mexico, meanwhile, is home to a
              numbers of such voters still supported the Democratic   large Hispanic population that leans Democratic.

              Party in states such as Arkansas, Louisiana and       Broadly speaking, the more rural and whiter
              Tennessee. Bill Clinton won those three southern   a state’s population, the more likely it is to be deep
              states in both the 1992 and 1996 presidential    red, while more urbanized and racially diverse states
              elections. However, since then, those states have   usually have bluer populations. The five reddest states
              become deep red, voting for the Republican candidate   in America as measured by partisan voting index are
              in every election since 2000 by a wide margin.   Wyoming, West Virginia, North Dakota, Oklahoma and

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.11月號 27

   1          5%     JOEE                                                                                                ɪʹ
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