Page 28 - NO.155銀行家雜誌
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                Cover Story

              多,就越有可能深紅,而都市化程度越高和                                   如果候選人在某個州拿下最多的普選票
              族群更多元的州,則越藍。根據黨派投票指                              數,就能獲得該州所有的選舉人票。但全國
              數,美國最紅的5個州分別為懷俄明州、西維                             的選舉結果是比選舉人票的總數,而非普選
              吉尼亞州、北達科他州、奧克拉荷馬州和愛                              票的總數。2000年的小布希跟2016年的川
              達荷州,最藍的5個州則是佛蒙特州、夏威                              普,獲得的普選票數都比對手少,但選舉人

              夷、麻薩諸塞州、馬里蘭州和加州。其中佛                              票總數勝出,所以依然當選。
              蒙特州的狀況比較特別,雖然是藍州,但卻                                   因此自2000年以來,當總統大選勢均力
              以鄉村人口為主。                                         敵,那幾個「搖擺州」(又稱「紫色州」,
              選舉人團和搖擺州的重要性                                     關鍵。2000年的搖擺州是佛羅里達州,2004
                  大多數代議制民主國家正副總統都是全                            威斯康辛州,2020年是這3個州加上喬治亞與
              民直選出來的,在美國卻不是,美國憲法規                              亞利桑那州。
              定的總統選舉程序,介於全民直選跟國會投                                   喬治亞州與亞利桑那州原本都很紅,但

              票之間,稱為「選舉人團制度」。每一個州                              人口結構改變之後成為了搖擺州,維吉尼亞
              有多少位國會(參眾兩院)議員,就有多少                              州也是。這些州的大都市,例如亞特蘭大、
              個選舉人團席次。目前總共有538位選舉人。                            鳳凰城、里奇蒙、華盛頓特區,出現了一大
              要贏得總統選舉,需要拿到270張選舉人票。                            群高學歷專業人士,改變了整個州的政黨支

              Idaho, while the five bluest include Vermont, Hawaii,   of Congress (House and Senate). There are currently
              Massachusetts, Maryland and California. Vermont is   538 electors in total. 270 electoral votes are needed to
              unusual in that it is deep blue but very rural.  win a presidential election.
                                                                    While a candidate must win the most popular
              The Electoral College and importance of          votes in a given state to be awarded that state’s
              purple states                                    electoral votes, it is still possible to win an election by
                                                               amassing more overall electoral than popular votes.
                  Unlike most other representative democracies,   Republicans George W. Bush and Donald Trump both
              the United States does not directly elect the president   lost the popular vote and still won the 2000 and 2016

              and vice president through the popular vote. Instead,   elections, respectively.
              it has a process called the Electoral College that    Since 2000, a handful of “swing states” or “purple
              comes from the Constitution, a compromise between   states” (a combination of red and blue) have been
              a popular vote by citizens and a vote in Congress.   decisive in determining the winner of close presidential
              Each state has as many electors as it does members   elections. In 2000, it came down to Florida, in 2004

         28   台灣銀行家2022.11月號                                                           今卻是得不償失,付出更巨額的

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