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              持比例。雖然鄉村地區還是幾乎完全支持共                              有利於共和黨。俄亥俄州有17張選舉人票,

              和黨,但加上了大都會的選民,就變成了搖                              佛州有30張,光是兩個州加起來的總合,就
              擺州。                                              超過民主黨2020年在3個搖擺州拿下的選舉人
                  雖然這3個州的人口結構開始有利於民主                           總票數40張。俄亥俄州在2020年前都是搖擺
              黨,俄亥俄州與佛羅里達州的走勢卻反過來                              州,但現在越來越紅,該州有大量藍領,傾

              Ohio, 2016 Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin   states have been to the advantage of Democrats,
              and in 2020 the latter three states as well as Georgia   Republicans have benefited from a different set of
              and Arizona.                                     changes in Ohio and Florida, which together have 47
                  Georgia and Arizona were once reliably red   electoral votes (17 and 30 respectively), more than the
              states, but have become purple due to demographic   40 combined electoral votes of the three swing states
              changes, as has Virginia.  The growth of large   won by Democrats in 2020. Ohio was considered a
              communities of educated professionals in the major   purple state until 2020, but has gradually shifted to the
              metropolitan areas of these states – Atlanta, Phoenix,   right. It has a significant population of working-class
              Richmond and nearby Washington DC – has caused   voters who tend to vote Republican, even more so

              them to turn from red to purple. To be sure, the   than since Donald Trump’s victory in 2016. In Florida’s
              rural parts of these states still vote overwhelmingly   case, Democrats have been lackluster in grassroots
              Republican, but that can be offset by the population   politics for decades. They have not controlled  both
              advantages of their large metropolitan areas.    houses of the state legislature since 1997.
                  While the demographic changes in these three   Democrats have been further marginalized

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.11月號 29

   1          5%     JOEE                                                                                                ɪʹ
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34