Page 26 - NO.155銀行家雜誌
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                Cover Story





                                                                                     撰文:Matthew Fulco傅長壽

                    2000 年總統大選以來,美國的政治明                        州、伊利諾州這些長期支持民主黨的藍州,會
              自 顯變得更兩極化。當時人們用「紅州」                              投票給共和黨總統候選人。
              來表示傾向支持共和黨候選人的州,以「藍                                   自1990年代以來,紅州變得「更紅」的

              州」來表示傾向民主黨候選人的州。很難想                              主因之一,就是大量的白人勞工轉向投給共
              像阿拉巴馬州、懷俄明州、堪薩斯州這些長                              和黨。在1990年代,像阿肯色州、路易斯安
              期支持共和黨的紅州,會把票給民主黨總統                              納州和田納西州,這類選民中還有很多人會投
              候選人;同樣的,也很難想像,加州、紐約                              給民主黨,1992年和1996年的總統選舉,柯

              Purple America is more politically important

              than ever

              States that are neither reliably Republican nor Democrat will be crucial in determining
              the winners of the upcoming midterms and the 2022 presidential election.

                  o l itical  polarization  has  increased     Democratic Party candidates. It is hard to
              Pconsiderably in the United States since         imagine certain reliably red/Republican states,
              the 2000 presidential election, when the terms   such  as Alabama, Wyoming and Kansas, giving
              “red states” and “blue states” were adopted      their electoral votes to a Democratic presidential
              to describe whether voters in a particular       candidate. Similarly, it is just as difficult to envision
              state tended to support Republican Party or      blue/Democratic California, New York and Illinois

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