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國所有的「冷內戰」(Cold  Civil  War)戰火,                   捐助競選資金的限制。2017年,川普政府更否
              總是始於最高法院。畢竟即使你真的占領國會                             決了「網路中立性」(Net Neutrality),開始允
              大廈,還是得找到更多法律依據,才能改變權                             許網路服務供應商根據網路言論的立場來調整
              力分配。                                             流量。這讓許多人相當意外,畢竟許多支持者
                  聯邦主義者協會(Federalist  Society)                 都認為堅守網路中立,對川普比較有利。

              這些遍布各級政府的保守派組織,在努力幾                                   國會示威事件之後,人們開始緊盯社群
              10年之後,終於拿下了最高法院。今年6月的                            媒體。但在之前的政治獻金爭議中守護企業
              「多布斯案」(D o b b s)推翻了近50年來的                       言論自由的保守派,這時候卻反對社群媒體
              判例,決定墮胎權不在憲法保障範圍,最高                              業者用它們的言論自由管制言論。保守派認
              法院開始影響整個大眾。但這起判例與其他                              為社群平台比報紙,甚至讓社群平台得以營
              影響選舉過程的事件,也讓法律專家與自由                              運的網路服務供應商更像公共設施。共和黨
              派的大眾媒體,開始突破過去以來的心理防                              掌控的佛羅里達與德州議會,都立法禁止了
              線,質疑最高法院的公正性。                                    社群媒體平台審查言論。佛州的法律後來被
                  除了之前的選舉爭議,《憲法第一修正                            當地法院以違反《第一修正案》為由推翻。

              案》也備受矚目。保守派花了多年的工夫,成                                  但德州的法律影響更為深遠,至今卻
              功地以保障企業言論自由為理由,撤銷了企業                             依然有效。該法律禁止平台基於「立場」或

                  Social media regulation may not be the area of   such as the Federalist Society, spanning all levels of

              US politics of greatest short-term significance, but   government. Following the Dobbs decision in June,
              in fact, it is one of the most interesting. Unlike most   which overturned an almost 50-year-old precedent
              topics, which are currently defined by rigid ideological   on abortion, the influence of the court is now starting
              coherence, its novel nuances make genuine debate   to be felt on a popular level. Based on this case, as
              possible to some degree.                         well as others influencing the election process, legal
                                                               experts and liberal popular media are starting to
              Smarting after January 6                         question its impartiality, which used to be somewhat
                                                               of a political taboo.
                  The drama of January 6 notwithstanding, any       Besides election dispute resolution, another

              serious scenario for a ‘cold civil war’ must start with   one of the areas that is being watched most
              the Supreme Court. The Capitol rioters would have   closely is First Amendment caselaw. For decades,
              needed to enable several more legal maneuvers to   conservatives had successfully argued for a
              successfully influence the transition of power.  maximalist view of corporate free speech when it
                  The conservative makeup of this court is the   came to campaign financing. In 2017, the Trump
              culmination of decades of efforts by organizations   administration also rejected “net neutrality,” which

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.11月號 21

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