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              準會卻變得前所未有地激進,甚至成為貨幣本                             守派所謂的「取消文化」扯上關係,也就是
              身的象徵。所以像舊金山這種非常自由放任的                             讓民眾能夠在網路上公審,有時會在現實世
              工業重鎮,在居住問題上明顯處理失當時,就                             界中造成影響。當然,「取消文化」的用詞
              會讓人民開始懷疑整個國家的自由放任傾向。                             可能讓人誤解,因為它其實不是一種文化,
                  社群媒體靠品牌聲望來賺錢,這些品牌聲                           反而比較接近科技帶來的效果。美國右派在

              望來自它們刊載的言論調性。不同的平台,                              過去失勢的2年內,一直在思考要怎麼用法律
              在使用者眼中都形成了不同的形象,例如推                              來處理這種現象。
              特偏自由,臉書比較保守(當然,馬斯克收                                   社群媒體的監理,雖然對美國政界的短
              購之後,推特的走向會有何變化,目前尚未                              期影響力並非最大,但卻是最有趣的主題之
              可知)。                                             一。大部分的政治辯論,都被既有的意識型
                  在2021年初,民眾試圖占領國會大廈                           態完全綁死;但社群媒體的監理因為重視細
              的兩天後,推特在1月8日永久禁用了當時總                             節,反而真的留下了討論空間。
              權力,某種意義上其實跟傳統媒體的權力一                              1月6日之後的混亂

              繼續安然無恙。然後當今社群媒體常常跟保                                   雖然2021年1月6日的事件很誇張,但美

              the tech sector is that it’s big business, with all of the   On January 8, 2021,  two  days  after  an

              usual political implications. With valuations soaring   attempted mob takeover of the Capitol, Twitter
              (until recently) in an era of unprecedented activism   permanently banned then-president Donald Trump,
              by the Federal Reserve – at the same time that rust   highlighting its immense political power. In some
              belt manufacturing remained moribund – it has come   sense, this is  the same power that traditional
              to symbolize money itself. When San Francisco, the   media has always held, and some prestige
              highly liberal industry center, visibly mishandles local   mainstream publications have indeed survived the
              issues like housing, therefore, it casts popular doubt on   tech era perfectly fine. Social media is however
              the liberal agenda on the national level.        associated with what conservatives have dubbed
                  As  businesses, social media companies       ‘cancel culture,’ or the ability for the masses to

              depend on their branding, which arises from content   target individuals with precision, sometimes with
              moderation. Different platforms have different user   real-world effect. In fact, the term is amorphously
              reputations. For instance, Twitter is known to be a more   defined, and has more to do with technology than
              liberal platform, while Facebook leans conservative. (It   culture. The right has spent the past two years
              remains to be seen how Elon Musk’s recent takeover of   while out of power theorizing about how to deal
              the former might affect this positioning.)       with this phenomenon.

         20   台灣銀行家2022.11月號

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