Page 22 - NO.155銀行家雜誌
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                Cover Story

              「地理位置」進行任何言論「審查」。很多                              而登上媒體頭條。該法庭去年裁定,美國證
              人認為,禁止「地理位置」的審查,違反了                              券交易委員會過去100年來採用的主要行政執
              長期以來的商業自由,且可能會讓社群媒體                              行程序違憲,這讓證交會只好在德州、路易
              公司完全撤出德州。而法律條文把管轄範圍                              斯安那州、密西西比州採用別的執行程序,
              寫得很廣,就連維基百科可能都會違法。最                              耗費更多時間。

              近《大西洋》(T h e  A t l a n t i c)甚至有一篇                   由於目前有兩個巡迴法院,在詮釋德州
              文章質疑,「所以網際網路的末日要來了                               法律時產生了差異,最高法院可能會在某天
              嗎?」該法律引發好幾種不同解釋,在某些                              插手干預,決定美國網路的未來。
              群,但這樣一來,平台就無法在顧客心中營                              下一個就要燒到金融界?
                  聯邦第五巡迴法庭(5th  Circuit  Court  of                  說到文化戰爭,人們很容易以為只是
              Appeals)不但支持德州的法律,而且在那之                          意識型態的對立,但這種詮釋會遇到很多問
              前就已經因為挑戰《聯邦法》的既定詮釋,                              題。目前的對立,其實有很多地方都跟150

              would have prohibited internet service providers   “censorship” on the grounds  of  “viewpoints,”  as
              (ISP) from discriminating among network traffic on   well as geographic location. The latter restriction
              the basis of speech. The politics surrounding this   is attracting much attention, as it could prevent

              decision were unusual, as a sizable minority of   social media companies from leaving the Texas
              Trump’s supporters had assumed he would take the   market altogether, in contravention of longstanding
              opposite position.                               principles of free commerce. The law is written so
                  Social media has come into the spotlight     broadly that it could even make Wikipedia illegal.
              since the Capitol riot. Here, however, conservatives   “Is this the beginning of the end of the Internet?”
              have taken the opposite position on corporate    asked a recent article in The Atlantic. Depending
              speech: platforms act more as public utilities than   on the interpretation, implementation of the law
              newspapers, or even than the ISPs that facilitate   would make it impossible for large platforms to

              their services. Florida and Texas, both controlled   curate their own communities, a key element of their
              by Republican legislatures, have both passed laws   value proposition.
              preventing social media platforms from moderating    Before upholding the Texas law, the 5th Circuit
              content. The Florida law has been struck down by a   Court of Appeals had already generated headlines
              regional court on First Amendment grounds.       for challenging longstanding interpretations of federal
                  The  Texas law, however, is more far-        law. Last year, it ruled that the main administrative
              reaching, and has been upheld so far. It prohibits   enforcement method the Securities and Exchange

         22   台灣銀行家2022.11月號

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