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                Cover Story





                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    貝爾經濟學獎得主道格拉斯 ‧ 諾思                          作,這個領域在研究企業規模多大的時候最有

              諾 (Douglass  North)的《西方世界的興                      效率。依照諾思的說法,新科技的出現,讓效
              起》(The Rise of the Western World: A New          率最高的軍事組織規模變大,世界上因不需要
              Economic  History)是制度經濟學的經典之                     那麼多個獨立政體,於是爆發了百年戰爭。

              Culture wars and the dark ages of social media

              The first important fact to understand about the tech sector is that it’s big business, with
              all of the usual political implications.

            “ THistory,” by Economics Nobel  Prize  winner     The dark ages of social media
                  he Rise of the Western World: A New Economic

              Douglass North, is a classic text in institutional    “Taken together, the [14th and 15th] centuries
              economics,  the branch of  economics that        show a transformation in warfare and led to an

              describes the optimal size of the firm. In this   ever-growing fiscal crisis. The financial resources
              history, North describes how an increase in the   necessary for survival, i.e., to quickly field a modern
              size of the most efficient military unit due to   army, exceeded those available in the traditional
              technological innovations reduced the number     feudal barony. The result was an era of almost
              of independent polities needed, leading to the   unbelievable turmoil, amalgamation, terror, murder,
              Hundred Years War.                               internal and external strife, intrigue and counter-

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