Page 19 - NO.155銀行家雜誌
P. 19

社群媒體的黑暗時代                                        為只要滑滑手機就可以進行非法交易。但在
                  「整體說來,14和15世紀的戰爭面貌發                          越趨激烈。
              生改變,加劇了國家的財政危機。國家必須                                   這些新世態如果能夠進入平衡,社會將
              掌握大量財政資源,快速徵得現代化軍隊,                              更加信任公共治理。如果公民監督政府與企

              而傳統封建領主顯然無法滿足這種條件。結                              業的能力(前者像是「黑人的命也是命」運
              果就出現了一連串幾乎難以想像的政治動                               動,後者像是#metoo運動),能夠抗衡政府
              盪、國家合併、恐怖統治、謀殺、內憂外                               與企業的監控能力,社會將更加穩定。但現
              患、各種陰謀私通……民族國家藉由通婚、                              實世界並沒有進入平衡,最明顯的證據就是
              併購、背叛、詭計、軍事征服等等手段,取                              新科技造成的各種亂象,以及美國政治圈的
              代了封建貴族成為權力中心。」                                   各種「文化戰爭」。
              事是政治活動的核心之一,而資訊科技讓敘                              推特的政治影響力

              也讓美國變得全國化。如今已經沒有人繼續                                   科技業的特色之一,就是它規模很大,
              使用地方新聞、宗教組織那些老方法來傳播                              大到具備各種常見的政治影響力。在這個時
              敘事;街頭幫派也越來越少直接搶地盤,因                              代,明明美國的鐵鏽帶製造業依然低迷,聯

              intrigue...Whether by marriage, purchase, perfidy,   by the power to regulate social media platforms.
              intrigue  or  military  conquest, the  nation-state   In equilibrium, these changes can be
              replaced the feudal barony as the seat of coercive   positive, leading to higher expectations on public
              power by the end of the period.”                 governance. The increased surveillance ability of
                  Today, information technology has done       the government and corporations is balanced by an
              something similar for an essential feature of politics:   increased monitoring ability by citizens themselves
              narratives. Narratives can now scale much more   to monitor the government (leading to Black Lives
              smoothly  than  in  the past, which has led to an era   Matter), or corporations (#metoo). We are however
              of globalization and, within the US, nationalization.   far from equilibrium, and the disruption from such

              Older methods by which narratives were traditionally   technological changes forms as good an explanation
              disseminated, such as local news and organized   as any of the ‘culture wars’ in US politics.
              religion, have fallen by the wayside. Turf warfare
              by street gangs has fallen, as illicit commerce can   Twitter emerges as a political player
              now be facilitated by mobile phones; yet it has
              correspondingly increased in formal politics, driven   The first important fact to understand about

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.11月號 19

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