Page 25 - NO.155銀行家雜誌
P. 25

風,就得回去思考除了市場還缺什麼。                                下了歐巴馬提名的大法官,要求把決定大法官
                  另一方面,公司理論也可以解釋最近日                            人選的權力,交給即將選出的下一任總統。而
              益緊張的地緣政治局勢。所謂得台灣者得天                              且即使是各州選舉,有時候也因為會影響到全
              下,只要能夠控制台灣,就能影響全球的敘                              國選舉和政策討論的局勢,而變得很重要。
              事大趨勢,這對美中兩國而言都跟量產半導                                   當然,那些沒有經營社群平台的公司,不

              體的能力一樣重要。台海局勢在緊張一陣子                              會像之前香港抗爭事件那樣,被迫在文化戰爭
              之後終將回歸現狀,但屆時各國的狀態都會                              中選邊(但有些公司可能會自己選邊)。但社
              與時俱進。世界的樣貌從中世紀以來就不斷                              群媒體的影響力日益增強,在美國做生意的人
              改變,如今也尚未停歇。                                      都得注意它所帶來的政治暗流。美國的政治文
                  至於美國,在可預見的未來,每一場選舉                           化相當獨特,如果覺得難懂,也許可以從「職
              都非常關鍵,這不是因為選舉可影響聯邦法,                             場性別多元、平等、包容」課程的爭議開始入
              而是因為選舉可以影響最高法院。舉例來說,                             手。(本文作者為台灣金融研訓院特聘外籍研
              在2016年,共和黨就用他們掌握的參議院,擋                           究員;譯者為劉維人)

              efforts, due simply to the stakes involved.      specific federal legislation, but for the ability to
                  Any attempt to do so should start with a     influence the Supreme Court. In 2016, for instance,
              theory of market failure – which is more than just   a Republican Senate blocked a Supreme Court
              an observation that markets work differently than   nominee of then-president Obama, on the basis

              they did before. Why are advertisers (as well as   that there was almost a year left before the next
              possibly socially responsible investors) ineffective in   presidential election. Even state-level elections
              constraining platforms’ behavior in the long term?  will be important for the ability of states to
                  On an international level, the theory of the firm   sometimes affect national-level elections and policy
              can even explain increased the recent increased   discussions.
              geopolitical tensions. Whoever controls Taiwan       Individual companies who are not offering
              controls its ability to narratives at scale, which is   platform services will not be forced to take decisive
              ultimately as valuable for the US and China as its   sides  in the culture wars,  as in Hong Kong –
              ability to mass-produce semiconductors. Current   although some may do so voluntarily. At the same

              tensions will end not just through a return to the   time, because of the growing importance of social
              status quo, but with a marginal iteration of the state   media, anyone doing business in the US should
              itself. The concept that has defined the world since   be aware of broader political undercurrents. US
              Medieval times remains a work in progress.       political culture is quite idiosyncratic, and for
                  Within the US, every election for the        anyone finding it difficult to follow, DEI courses may
              foreseeable future is now pivotal, not as much for   not be a terrible place to start.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.11月號 25

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