Page 72 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
P. 72

               Special Issue

              加密貨幣。受害者知道自己失去了傳統金融                              詐騙手法。因為政府與銀行當然可以廣發警
              系統的保障,但為了贏取鉅額的投資回報,                              告,但最容易被騙的人往往也最難看到警
              他們依然選擇冒險。                                        語。如果能用更多元、更有趣的方法來進行
                  這種騙術的重點是心理而非科技,                              科普,就會有更多人在危急時刻萌發合理的
              很難針對中介來處理。區塊鏈偵查公司                                懷疑。畢竟只要不夠小心,每個人都可能上

              CipherBlade的法證分析師Paul  Sibenik在一篇                當。前述的一位「陷阱駭客」Jim  Browning
              文章中指出,那些經常用來「殺豬」的加密                              去年自己就因為上當,而一度刪除了整個
              交易所,往往比表面上宣稱得更集中,而且                              YouTube頻道。
              經常位於監理寬鬆的國家。這種詐騙就跟很                                   「陷阱駭客」的社群正在逐漸專業
              多其他的詐騙一樣,不能用傳統的方式來起                              化。Scammer  Payback  在9月的影片中,跟好
              訴,而要發明新方法,這樣才能跟一些至少                              幾位相關領域最紅的YouTubers共同發起了一
              願意部分配合的國家攜手合作,找出歹徒的                              個「全民呼叫中心」(People's Call Center)
              身分並進行逮捕。                                         計畫,看起來儼然就是某種產業會議。該影

              詐欺獵人逐漸專業化                                        們需要一個互助系統。無論聽到什麼消息,
                                                               都一定要找人查核,不要在腦袋裡空想。多                                                                     AD
                  在這方面,名不見經傳的路人可以貢獻                            一雙眼睛來看,就多一分保障。」(本文作
              專業知識,幫忙設計新的執法方式;「陷阱                              者為台灣金融研訓院特聘外籍研究員;譯者為
              駭客」網紅短期內能做的,主要反而是宣傳                              劉維人)

              Industry professionalization                     they’re not careful: last year,  Jim Browning
                                                               himself was even conned into temporarily
                  Private individuals can lend their expertise   deleting his own YouTube channel.
              to help pioneer innovative approaches to law         A professionalization process is  underway
              enforcement. In the shorter-term, meanwhile,     among the community of scambaiters. In a video
              the most important contribution of scambaiters   released in September, Scammer Payback hosted
              may simply be to publicize the methods  of       a “People’s Call Center” with a number of top
              scammers. Governments and banks can issue        YouTubers, which looked strikingly like an industry
              consumer warnings, but the problem always        conference. In that video, he had some advice.
              lies in getting the right people to pay attention.   “Always go verify with somebody – think of it like a

              Through richer, more entertaining content,       scam buddy system. Verify things with somebody
              more people will learn to exercise appropriate   else, not just in your own mind. Have another set of
              skepticism.  Anyone  can  become  a  victim if   eyes on something.”

         72   台灣銀行家2022.10月號

   1                  5%     JOEE
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77