Page 68 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
P. 68

               Special Issue

              狀況、修改畫面上的交易資訊,甚至還能獲                              但這需要整個社會同心協力,因為必須聯絡
              得受害者的真實帳戶資料,供日後登入。騙                              銀行的反詐欺部門,藉此中止交易並檢舉騙
              子也會特別挑選不懂科技的年長者下手,這                              子的金融帳戶;必須通知便利商店停止發售
              樣只要用簡單的文字編輯器,就可以順利冒                              禮券,以免受害人購買之後送給騙子換成現
              充成銀行的後台。                                         金;必須通知郵政系統攔下受害人郵寄的現

                  「陷阱駭客」了解騙子的伎倆,所以先製                           金,還得通知司法體系。
              造出一些虛擬主機(Virtual  Machine),讓騙                         不過「陷阱駭客」真正想要的,其實是
              子接觸不到任何真實資訊。然後有些人可能會                             從源頭阻止這類詐騙。印度是「遠端控制軟
              寫一個有病毒的文件,例如財務紀錄等等的                              體詐騙」的溫床,因為它的英語客服產業相當
              放在電腦桌面上,引誘騙子去點開。騙子一                              蓬勃,科技人才十分好找,而且COVID-19發生
              旦中計,駭客就可以順藤摸瓜進入騙子的系                              後經濟嚴重受創。有一位叫做  Scammer  Payback
              統,利用網路研究方法,找出整場騙局目前                              或Pierogi的「陷阱駭客」網紅,為了研究如何讓
              已經涉及哪些個人和哪些公司。                                   騙子上鉤,甚至還去學了印地語(Hindi)。
                  「陷阱駭客」會先找出受害者的相關資                                 今年4月,Mark Rober、Jim Browning、Trilogy

              訊,有時候甚至能夠打斷正在進行的騙局。                              Media等3位「陷阱駭客」網紅前往印度,打

              access.                                          then may set up an infected file as bait –
                  With that access, they can do many things.   perhaps an important financial document  on
              They usually  ask  victims  to navigate to  their   the desktop – which allows them to reverse the
              online bank accounts. Banks nowadays             connection and get into the scammers’ systems.
              would be able to flag any transaction directly   From there, using online research, they can try to

              using that method  as  fraudulent, however       identify the real individuals and business fronts
              they are able to understand the victims’         involved.
              financial situation, alter displayed transaction     Some of  the first information  they  seek
              information,  and perhaps  acquire account       is on current victims.  They can sometimes
              information in order to later impersonate        interrupt scams in progress, which frequently
              the bank.  They also use simple text editors     involves a whole-of-society effort. Scambaiters
              to simulate banks’ back-end systems and          may need to contact bank fraud departments (to
              otherwise confuse victims, who tend to be older   stop transactions or report fraudulent accounts),
              and less tech-savvy.                             convenience stores (which sell gift cards, which

                  Scambaiters set up virtual machines to       can be abused to function as electronic cash),
              ensure that no real information can be accessed   postal delivery (to intercept shipments of cash in
              before initiating contact with scammers.  They   the mail), or law enforcement.

         68   台灣銀行家2022.10月號

   1                  5%     JOEE
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73