Page 66 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
P. 66

               Special Issue




                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    客的起源跟「激進駭客行動」(Hack-                        這種騙局在世界各地層出不窮,所以有些陷
              駭 tivism)很有關係。在網路剛興起的時                           阱駭客(Scambaiter)就刻意設計出誘餌,
              代,一群手段充滿創意、重視社會正義的人,                             占掉騙子的時間。在2000年代,網路上開

              花自己的空閒時間去解決線上的各種漏洞。                              始出現一種「奈及利亞騙徒」(N i g e r i a n
              其中一群人,後來還協助建立了如今的資安                              P r i n c e),騙徒偽稱自己是高官顯貴,需委
              領域。                                              託一筆巨款,請你先匯「手續費」給他,這
                  「社交工程詐騙」的防治過程可能也會                            時候某些網友就開發出一些誘餌來整這些騙
              走上相同的路徑。自C O V I D-19爆發以來,                       子取樂,從此被稱為陷阱駭客。不過當時的

              Private netizens become a powerful force against

              social engineering scams

              People with time on their hands, a devious mindset, and awareness of larger social
              issues identified new vulnerabilities in emerging internet systems. Many hacktivists later
              helped establish cybersecurity as a more formal field.

                  o a large extent, the field of hacking began   formal field.
              Tas “hacktivism.” People with time  on  their        A similar process may be occurring for
              hands, a devious mindset, and awareness of       social engineering scams, which have exploded

              larger social issues identified new vulnerabilities   around the world since the pandemic. Vigilante
              in emerging internet systems. Many hacktivists   “scambaiters”  are  occupying  the time of would-
              later helped establish cybersecurity as a more   be scammers, for various purposes. The practice

         66   台灣銀行家2022.10月號

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