Page 69 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
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算關閉他們發現的4個詐騙集團。這場旅行當                             協助當然很好,「但他們檢舉歹徒的時候會成
              然相當危險,他們的名氣人盡皆知,剛到現                              為線人,而非原告」,所以這種「陷阱駭客」
              場就被認出來,不過加爾各答警方最後還是                              模式無法取代傳統的執法。幸好FBI用傳統的國
              搜捕了一家詐騙集團使用的客服中心,並關                              際合作也取得不少進展,這個月又破獲了幾
              閉了其他2家。                                          家詐騙中心。

                  印度警力嚴重不足,而且國家過大,歹                                 但即便如此,擴大合作範圍還是好事。
              徒只要四處逃竄就能甩掉調查人員。另外,                              無論司法人員和民間人士,都可以跟各種平
              雖然印度的科技產業日新月異,司法體系卻                              台合作,共同找出可疑的網站、IP、使用者資
              以龜速聞名。更麻煩的是,人們若是被印度                              料以及可疑的軟體。有些人呼籲,因為騙子
              人詐騙,就必須在印度提告,由於歹徒盯上                              有辦法利用這些遠端控制軟體繞過傳統途徑
              的人往往本身心理就較為脆弱,而且承認被                              登入受害者的帳戶,所以某些軟體應該要在
              騙很丟臉,許多受害者都沒有出面。即便願                              下載前加註反詐騙警語。
              意出面報告損失,通常也是向當地的警方報                                   不過AnyDesk的營運長Oldrich  Müller表
              告,但真正的歹徒卻在地球的另一端。                                示,「這種詐欺完全不是AnyDesk的功能造成

                  當地的警察副局長表示,有外國網紅來                            的。是使用者授權其他人操作自己的電腦,

                  In the longer-term, they also hope to stop   Kolkata  police  eventually raided one of the
              the  activity  at  its  source.  India  is  a  hotbed   centers, and two others shut down.
              for scams using this technique, for  several          The police in India are severely under-
              reasons. It has thriving call center industry to target   resourced, and the country is also so big that it’s
              English-speaking countries, and technical skills   not difficult to throw investigators off by moving

              are easy to find. It was hit hard by the pandemic.   around. India’s legal system is also renowned for
              The YouTuber called Scammer  Payback,  also      moving slowly, despite the quickly-changing nature
              known as Pierogi, has even gone so far as to     of the tech industry. One obstacle is that victims
              learn Hindi in order to better communicate  with   must file a complaint in India. Such crimes are
              scammers.                                        vastly under-reported to begin with due to victims’
                  In April, three  YouTubers  –  Mark  Rober,   shame, as well as other factors like the selection
              Jim Browning, and  Trilogy Media – traveled to   of psychologically vulnerable victims to begin
              India to shut down four call centers they had    with. When they do report their losses, it is almost
              identified.  The trip placed them in apparent    always to  local  law  enforcement,  not  halfway

              personal danger, as they were recognized         across the world.
              quickly upon arrival, demonstrating that their        Regarding the help from international
              profession is well-known among scammers.         YouTubers, a local assistant commissioner of

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.10月號 69

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