Page 71 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
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                  此外,打擊柬埔寨詐騙的成果,大部分                            害者沒那麼有效。例如針對東亞人士的著名
              都在阻止詐騙集團獲得人力,而非防止「消                              詐騙方法「殺豬盤」,就是利用網路交友,
              費者」受騙。柬埔寨的詐騙性質,讓冒充受                              誘使受害人投資賭博,取財的方式通常都是

                  Cambodia is decidedly more hostile towards   The most notable scam against Eastern Asian
              foreign help against scams than India. In July, the US   targets is known as “pig butchering”: a romance/
              State Department downgraded it to Tier 3, the lowest   investment scam that is typically executed through
              grade for human trafficking. According to its report,   cryptocurrency. Victims will know that they’re
              “The government did not provide adequate protection   leaving the safety of the banking system, but will
              services for victims domestically or overseas and   be tempted by the promise of large returns.
              relied heavily on foreign donors and NGOs to provide   Because the skills of the craft are more

              much-needed care.” Cambodia used to be a major   psychological than technological, there are fewer
              target for Chinese investment and an important   obvious intermediaries to target. Paul Sibenik
              conduit for money laundering before the pandemic   of the blockchain investigation firm CipherBlade
              made interchange with China much more difficult,   noted in a blog post that some of the exchanges
              leaving a lot of unfulfilled demand for Chinese-  frequently used as intermediaries in pig butchering
              speaking labor.                                  are not as decentralized as they claim,  although
                  In the case of Cambodia, most of the         they are also frequently located in countries
              progress against scams appears to  be on the     with lax regulation. Creative prosecution will
              recruitment side, rather than the “customer”     be  required  for  this  category  of  scams,  like

              side. The reason that posing as a victim tends   others, in order to identify and pursue targets
              to produce fewer rewards in this business        in jurisdictions around the world which may be
              model has to do with the nature of the scam.     more or less cooperative.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.10月號 71

   1                  5%     JOEE
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76